"I am so excited and proud to be graduating from this higher education center. When I look back from the very beginning, and now I just say it is worth every little process [I] got through being a student at YVC."
Degree/Certificate Earned
Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Networking – System Administration
San Marcos, Guatemala
What three words would you use to describe YVC?
Opportunities, Achievements, Success
What made you interested in studying at Yakima Valley College?
In the beginning [I came to YVC] for English [Language] Acquisition. However, in the process of learning [English], I found a great opportunity for accomplishing
my goal in life, which is to get my bachelor’s degree.
How did you decide on a major?
First, because the field is in demand [with lots of] jobs, and the world of technology
is rapidly advancing. Also, I really like everything related to computers and other
devices. I wanted to know how they work.
What would you say is the most important thing you learned at Yakima Valley College?
I learned critical thinking, which is one of the most valuable skills accomplished
in these years [at YVC]. Also, networking and communication skills.
What was your favorite class? How did it expand your knowledge?
Advanced PowerShell Scripting (BASIT 341), it opens a complete view of what is behind
computers, and how computers and other software work.
Who was your mentor on campus? Why do you consider this person your mentor?
[Information Technology Instructor] David Dalton. He was my advisor for the first
two years and in these four years at YVC, I have taken most of my IT classes with
him. So, I have got a lot of knowledge in the IT field from him.
Were there any barriers that you had to overcome to be success at YVC?
The fact that I had to work while in college because I did not have [financial] support
from anyone. Working to pay my bills and living expenses was a big issue for me. Also,
dealing with time arrangements for in-person classes.
What advice do you have for prospective students?
Take advantage of opportunities you have and value them because many young people
do not have the same opportunity you have to be in college. It will take a lot of
sacrifices and time but in the end, you will see it is worth it. So, prepare yourself
and stay focused on your goals.
Do you have anything else you’d like to share with us about your experience at YVC?
I did have great experiences at YVC. I appreciate all the staff and their professionalism,
and I had great relations with everyone whom I interacted with at YVC. Also, I am
so thankful to YVC for the financial support with tuition and books. If it was not for the great financial support, this dream
would never have come true.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank for supporting your journey here (an instructor,
staff member, family, etc)?
I am grateful to my parents and siblings because they are [always] there for me. Even
though they are far away from me their words of encouragement and [knowing] that they
are so proud of me, it really did help a lot. [It motivated me] to accomplish what
I proposed in the beginning.
What’s next for you after graduation? What excites you about that?
It is time to get into the real-world application of what I have learned through these
five years in college. New challenges will come; however, I am ready to approach them
and to be successful as a professional in the IT field.