With our many academic options, you can earn the training, certificate or degree you
need to get a great job, or you can earn credits that transfer to a four-year university.
YVC now offers several applied bachelor’s degree programs. Explore them to learn how
you can widen your career options in these high-demand fields.
Types of Students

New Student
New students who have never applied to Yakima Valley College before. Welcome!

Returning Student
Students returning who have applied before but have been gone for more than a year.

Applied Bachelors
Students who want to pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science degree at YVC.

English Language Courses
Students attending YVC for English Language Acquisition (ELA), also known as English as a Second Language (ESL).

GED & Adult Basic Skills (ABE)
Students taking GED preparation courses or those taking Adult Basic Education courses.

Running Start Student
High school students who are interested in Running Start can earn both high school and college credits.

High School Completion
High school students wanting to complete high school at YVC rather than their assigned high school.

Underage Student
Students under age 18 years of age not enrolled in Running Start but who want to enroll
in courses.

International Student
Students who live outside the United States or have recently moved to the U.S.

Non-Degree Seeking Student
Students who want to take classes but are not seeking to complete a degree or certificate.

Students who are veterans can take advantage of our outstanding veteran support services.
2024-2025 YVC Viewbook