Yakima Valley College has a long history of offering programs and classes for individuals to explore their creative side, and Spring Quarter 2025 is no different. Whether you’re just starting to draw, act take photos or sculpt or you’re looking to build upon your knowledge base and widen your worldview, there’s a class for you.
Registration is under way for Spring Quarter 2025 classes and classes begin April 1, 2025. Read on for our list of classes with an arts and humanities focus:
ART 102: Three-Dimensional Design
An introduction to the fundamentals and technical principles of creating in three
dimensions. Students will experience a wide range of materials and processes while
producing handcrafted, sculptural objects and models. Emphasis is on the art elements
and compositional principles as well as visual problem-solving.
ART 104: Drawing I
An introduction to the fundamental skills integral to the practice of drawing. Emphasis
will be given to technical approaches to drawing, formal analysis of artwork, and
experimental approaches to media.
ART 105: Drawing II
This course expands on the concepts and principles learned in ART 104. It allows for
a more individualized approach to drawing problems, stresses a more advanced use of
materials, and addresses effective visual communication.
ART 201: Functional Pottery I
An introduction to fundamental skills for making utilitarian forms on the potter's
wheel. Students will develop a working knowledge of basic functional and visual design
considerations and glazing techniques. Students will also learn about clay, glazes,
and firing through lecture and demonstrations, active participation, and critiques.
ART 210: Painting I
An introduction to the fundamental skills integral to the practice of observational
painting. Instruction addresses the analysis and translation of form, paint application
and brush handling, basic color theory, and the formal analysis of artwork.
ART 282: 19th Century Through Post-Modern Art History
An introductory survey of the prevailing art styles and attitudes in the 19th century,
the impact of Impressionism, the many Modern Art movements and styles of the 20th
century, and contemporary art in the 21st century.
ART 285: Art of Yoga
This course explores the eight-fold path of yoga and its representation in art and
photography. It is a survey of the visual representation of yoga with its beginning
in the Indus Valley in 2500 BCE and its movement through India, South Asia, and eventually
to the West.
DRAMA 115: Theatre Production
A course emphasizing professional concepts and practices in developing, rehearsing,
designing, and performing theatrical works for live audiences. Previous experience
is helpful, but not necessary. Students enrolled in this course will work as actors
in small roles or as understudies to actors in large roles as assistant directors,
as assistant designers/technicians, or as assistant stage managers.
DRAMA 116: Technical Theatre I
A course emphasizing beginning to intermediate concepts in technical theatre. Students
enrolled in the course will assist with creating and incorporating technical theatre
elements such as lighting, sound, and/or FX into live theatre productions.
DRAMA 150: Introduction to Cinema
This course explores the basic components of cinema and approaches to analyzing, understanding,
and appreciating film both as art and as entertainment.
DRAMA 181: Intermediate Acting
A continuation of the theory and practice of the fundamentals of acting that are explored
in DRAMA 180. Students will develop their vocal, physical, and emotional accessibility
skills through acting exercises, theatre games, and scene work.
DRAMA 189: Theatre Stagecraft
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of scenic construction and painting,
scenic design, lighting, and sound. Students will learn theoretical approaches to,
and practical implementation of, theatre design. Students enrolled in the course may
also serve as crew for current YVC Drama productions.
PHOTO 103: Digital Photography
An introduction to digital camera operation, image manipulation software visualization
skills, expressive sensitivity, and quality printing. This course will emphasize the
elements and principles of photographic composition, ethical issues, aesthetic vocabulary,
and the study of how images communicate. This course includes lecture, supervised
studio time, and group critiques.
View the full spring 2025 class schedule.
No matter where you’re going, YVC is the place to start! With many academic options, you can earn the training, degree or certificate you need to get a great job, earn credits that transfer to a four-year university or just to brush up on skills in an area that interests you. YVC’s open-door policy enables all community members to enroll without regard for their past educational record.
Are you a first-time college student or transferring from another school and planning to earn a degree or certificate? New, transfer and returning degree-seeking students, visit our admissions website to apply and get started.
Are you interested in enrolling in a class or two for personal enrichment, professional development or just plain fun? Non-degree seeking students, those not intending to obtain a degree or certificate, are welcome to enroll in courses that total 11 credits or less per quarter. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. Registration begins March 24 for part-time, non-degree/certificate-seeking students for Spring Quarter 2025.
Senior citizens, 60 years of age or older, who are Washington state residents can take advantage of the Gold Card Program. This program allows seniors to attend state supported classes at a reduced cost on a space-available basis. Gold Card participants may enroll on the third day of the quarter or when the class has met at least once, whichever is later.
YVC is a public institution of higher education dedicated to strengthening our communities by providing opportunities for personal enrichment, economic mobility and sociocultural engagement. Founded in 1928, YVC serves all students holistically, supports all students’ learning goals, and fosters achievement within career and educational pathways. As a federally designated Hispanic-serving Institution residing on the traditional homelands of the 14 Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, YVC cultivates equity and a culture of innovative and inclusive teaching and learning.
A new quarter starts soon! Take the first step today! Visit yvcc.edu/apply to get started.