YVC News Articles

Registration open for English language, GED and high school completion classes
Prepare for your future by learning English, earning your GED, finishing your high school diploma, improving your skills or training for a new career through Yakima Valley College’s College and Career Readiness Division.

March talk covers history of Elk in the region
Yakima Valley College, in collaboration with the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, will continue its 2025 Winter Talk Series with a presentation on the history of Elk in Yakima County this March.

Diversity Series hosts Culture Fairs this month
Yakima Valley College’s Diversity Series in partnership with the Associated Students of Yakima Valley College will host Culture Fairs in Yakima and Grandview this February. The free events will showcase a variety of cultures in our community through...

Prepare for high demand, high wage careers at YVC
Yakima Valley College’s Workforce Education Division offers students a pathway to in-demand jobs that allow students to learn new skills, upgrade skills in their current field, change careers, or enter the job market for the first time.

Yakima Valley College partners with OIC to celebrate Black history at Feb. 27 event
Yakima Valley College’s Diversity Series in partnership with Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of Washington will host a February 27 Black History Luncheon on YVC’s Yakima Campus in Kaminski Conference Center, 1704 W. Nob Hill Blvd.,...