I have academic disabilities that made it difficult to learn but at YVC they offer a great support system that helped encourage me to be successful.”


Degree/Certificate & Anticipated Class Year 
Working on prerequisites to enter YVC’s Associate of Applied Science – Nursing, 2028 

Yakima, Wash. 

High School Attended 
YVC High School+ 


How was YVC’s High School+ program for you?  
It was very excellent. I really liked all the instructors. They were there for the students and helping them along the way. 

What three words would you use to describe YVC? 
Resourceful, Diverse, Beautiful 

What’s your favorite class? Why? How has it expanded your knowledge? 
English class helped me grow as an individual by developing my literary skills. It was a flexible course with more critical thinking. I learned something new every day. 

Who is your mentor on campus? Why do you consider this person your mentor? 
Malynda Dyer [Program Assistant in Disability Support Services]. She has supported and encourage me along the way, even when I felt like giving up. 

What made you interested in studying at YVC? 
I wanted to further my education and they offered the High School+ program. After receiving my diploma, it opened up many opportunities. It was the best decision I have ever made. 

How did you decide on a major? 
I was a CNA [Certified Nursing Assistant] for 13 years. I have always been a compassionate [person], enjoy helping others and making sure their needs are being met. I [chose nursing because I] wanted to expand my career and help patients throughout their lives and help their families as well. 

What do you like or find most interesting about your major? 
It gives me the opportunity to positively impact the lives of my patients and their families. 

How do you find and build your community on campus? 
Disability Support Services helped me find resourceful support services such as the Math and Writing centers. 

What’s your favorite spot on campus? 
The HUB is my favorite spot on campus, it's a very quiet area and very relaxing atmosphere. 

Are there any barriers that you’ve overcome to be successful at YVC? 
I have academic disabilities that made it difficult to learn but at YVC they offer a great support system that helped encourage me to be successful. I learned to accept my disability and not let it define who I am. Despite my struggles I did not give up, instead [it] inspired me to keep on pursuing my dreams. 

How do you manage stress? 
Taking breaks as needed, self-care, and connecting with others that support you. Also, listening to positive, uplifting music. 

What do you view as your biggest achievement at YVC? 
Completing the High School+ program and receiving my diploma was one of my biggest achievements. 

Did you receive any financial aid or scholarship funding to attend YVC? If so, please describe how this helped you on your journey.  
Yes, I do. It helped support my finances along the way. I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for financial aid. It helped tremendously. 

What is your ultimate goal? Where would you like to end up? 
My ultimate goal is to be a registered nurse. 

What advice do you have for prospective students? 
To believe in yourself and don't let anything keep you from reaching your dreams. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself! 

Do you have anything else you’d like to share with us about your experience at YVC? 
I'm really thankful for Yakima Valley College and all the people and support here because they are here for the students to help us succeed and reach our dreams.