General Spaces
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General Spaces
YVC offers the use of classrooms, computer labs, and outdoor spaces for rental on both the Yakima and Grandview campuses. There are several multipurpose rooms that are ideal spaces for lectures or banquets.
Based on the needs of your event, our staff will help you select a room that will meet your needs.

Large Meeting Rooms
Capacity: 20-104
Hourly Rate: $35-100hr
YVC offers large meeting rooms on both campuses that can accommodate groups of 20
or more. Most rooms include a teaching station with a computer, project, document
camera, and more. A high-speed internet connection is also available in most campus buildings.

Small Meeting Rooms
Capacity: Less than 15
Hourly Rate: $25hr
YVC offers a variety of small meeting rooms on both the Yakima and Grandview campuses
to accommodate groups less than 15. Both general and ITV options are available. A high-speed internet connection is also available in most campus buildings.

Computer Labs
Capacity: 30-36
Hourly Rate: $35hr
Computer labs on both the Yakima and Grandview campuses seat between 30-36 participants.
Each room is equipped with a teaching station that includes a computer, projector,
document camera, and more. A high-speed internet connection is also available in most
campus buildings.

General Classroom
Capacity: 36
Hourly Rate: $20hr
General classrooms on both the Yakima and Grandview campuses seat between 30-36 participants.
Each room is equipped with a teaching station that includes computer, projector, document
camera, and more. A high- speed internet connection is also available in most campus

ITV Classroom
Capacity: 10-36
Hourly Rate: $35hr
Interactive Television (ITV) spaces on both the Yakima and Grandview campuses allow
users to connect remotely between sites. Rooms include both classrooms and small conference
rooms. A high-speed internet connection is also available in most campus buildings.

Outdoor Spaces
Capacity: Varies
Hourly Rate: $50-$100hr
From courtyards to athletic fields, YVC offers several outdoor locations on both the
Yakima and Grandview campuses.