Abeytzi |
Vicente |
CCR PT Instructional Tech A |
College & Career Readiness |
avicente@yvcc.edu |
40-100 |
Abigail |
Moran |
Part-time Faculty |
Upward Bound |
AMoran@yvcc.edu |
Abraham |
Lopez |
Secretary Senior |
Grandview |
alopez@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7009 |
56-110A |
Adan |
Resendiz |
Tutorial Worker |
Student Services |
AResendiz@yvcc.edu |
07-202 |
Adelaida |
Guizar |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
AGuizar@yvcc.edu |
Adelina |
Martinez |
Program Assistant |
Student Services |
amartinez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4704 |
001-115 |
Adriana |
Magallanes |
Lab Technician 2 |
Arts & Sciences |
amagallanes@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4578 |
04-204E |
Adriana |
Navarro |
Student Support Coordinator |
Student Support |
adriananavarro@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7041 |
56-105 |
Agetha |
Douglass |
PT Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
adouglass@yvcc.edu |
Grandview |
Al |
Garcia |
Outreach and Retention Coordinator |
Student Services |
AGarcia@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4825 |
08-113 |
Alberto |
Romo |
Campus Security Officer |
Security & Safety |
aromo@yvcc.edu |
029-141 |
Alejandra |
Casillas |
Public Relations Worker |
Grandview |
AlejandraCasillas@yvcc.edu |
07-202 |
Alejandra |
Preciado |
WS Office Worker |
Financial Aid |
APreciado@yvcc.edu |
08-140 |
Alev |
Ucar |
Custodian 2 |
Auxiliary Services |
AUcar@yvcc.edu |
30-100 |
Alex |
Jones |
Ground Specialist 2 |
Facility Operations |
ajones@yvcc.edu |
29-105 |
Alexander |
Bazan |
Re-Entry Corrections Navigator |
Student Services |
abazan@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4506 |
08-139 |
Alexandra |
Velasquez-Lara |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Support |
AVelasquezLara@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Alexis |
Armijo |
WS-Sports Program Worker |
Student Services - Athletics |
AArmijo@yvcc.edu |
Alfonso |
Cortez |
IT Network & Telecommunications - Entry |
Technology Services |
ACortez@yvcc.edu |
509-494-7950 |
01-162 |
Alice |
Enevoldsen |
PT Astronomy Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
AEnevoldsen@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3120 |
Alicia |
Bickley |
Drama Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
ABickley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4837 |
001-181 |
Aline |
Olsen |
PT Allied Health Instructional Tech 1 |
Workforce Education Division |
aolsen@yvcc.edu |
051-120 |
Alisha |
Stewart |
PT Hourly |
Business & Accounting Services |
astewart@yvcc.edu |
07-116 |
Alison |
Mattson |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
AMattson@yvcc.edu |
Alix |
Harris |
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
aharris@yvcc.edu |
06-121 |
Alma |
Ramirez |
Chief Human Resources Officer |
Office of the President |
aramirez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4671 |
01-118 |
Alondra |
Serna-Negrete |
WS Office Worker |
Work Study |
ASernaNegrete@yvcc.edu |
Alvaro |
Navarro-Silva |
WS Office Worker |
Larson Gallery |
ANavarroSilva@yvcc.edu |
36-100 |
Amanda |
Gall |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
agall@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4508 |
004-262 |
Amanda |
Rodriguez |
Assistant Director |
Business & Accounting Services |
arodriguez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4658 |
001-140 |
Amber |
Shields |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
AShields@yvcc.edu |
Amparo |
Garcia |
Office Assistant 3 |
College & Career Readiness |
AmparoGarcia@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4516 |
41-114 |
Amy |
Brown |
PT Allied Health Pharmacy Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
abrown@yvcc.edu |
023-102 |
Amy |
Lyon |
PT BASTE Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
alyon@yvcc.edu |
Ana |
Alcantar |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Technology Services |
AAlcantar@yvcc.edu |
08-209 |
Anahi |
Mendoza |
WS Office Worker |
Arts & Science |
AnahiMendoza@yvcc.edu |
04-242 |
Anali |
Gonzalez |
Community Worker |
Student Support |
AGonzalez@yvcc.edu |
56-108 |
Anayeli |
Barajas Hinojosa |
Credentials Evaluator 2 |
Student Services |
ABarajasHinojosa@yvcc.edu |
08-111 |
Andrea |
Cardenas |
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President |
Office of the VP - Instruction & Student Services |
acardenas@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4642 |
001-106 |
Andrea |
Gutierrez Trammell |
Pathway Coordinator |
College & Career Readiness |
agutierreztrammell@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4527 |
21-160I |
Andrea |
Johnson |
Vet Tech Instructional Technician 1 |
Workforce Education Division |
ajohnson@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4582 |
030-138 |
Andrew |
Lee |
Maintenance Mechanic 2 |
Facility Operations |
alee@yvcc.edu |
029-112 |
Andy |
Fischer |
Infrastructure Lead |
Technology Services |
afischer@yvcc.edu |
021-126 |
Andy |
Villalovos |
Custodian 1 |
Auxiliary Services |
AVillalovos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x5827 |
30-103A |
Angel |
Angeles |
PT Technology Tech F |
Technology Services |
AAngeles@yvcc.edu |
01-171 |
Angel |
Avila |
Tutor |
Student Services |
aavila@yvcc.edu |
07-203 |
Angel |
Gonzalez |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Support |
AGomez@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Angela |
Campos |
Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
acampos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4901 |
23-217 |
Angela |
Carrizales |
Assistant Volleyball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
AngelaCarrizales@yvcc.edu |
Angela |
Garza |
Interim Director of Business & Accounting |
Business & Accounting Services |
angelagarza@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4651 |
01-139 |
Angie |
Foster |
Interim Director of Organizational Change |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
afoster@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4687 |
01-205B |
Anna |
Fulton |
PT Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
afulton@yvcc.edu |
Anna |
Pascoe |
FT Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
apascoe@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4519 |
004-277 |
Anna |
Swedin |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Grandview |
ASwedin@yvcc.edu |
04-125 |
Annette |
Wattenbarger |
Program Specialist 2 |
Administrative Services |
awattenbarger@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4906 |
36-121 |
Anthony |
Schmidt |
Communications Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
aschmidt@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4604 |
020-166 |
Antoniette |
Hull |
Teacher Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ahull@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4568 |
020-175 |
Antonio |
Bravo |
Utility Worker 2 |
Grandview |
ABravo@yvcc.edu |
56-106B |
Anyssa |
Banuelos |
WS-Sports Program Worker |
Student Services - Athletics |
ABanuelos@yvcc.edu |
06-104 |
Araceli |
Fichtner |
WS Office Worker |
Library & Media Services |
AFichtner@yvcc.edu |
07-130 |
Araceli |
Vargas |
Program Assistant |
Grandview |
AVargas@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7041 |
56-121C |
Aram |
Langhans |
PT Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
alanghans@yvcc.edu |
509-555-5810 |
004-160 |
Arianna |
Mendez |
WS Office Worker |
Human Resources |
AMendez@yvcc.edu |
01-118 |
Arla |
Dunlop |
Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ADunlop@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4559 |
23-101A |
Armando |
Casillas |
Utility Worker 2 |
Facility Operations |
ACasillas@yvcc.edu |
56-106B |
Ashley |
Brown |
PT Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ashleybrown@yvcc.edu |
Ashley |
LaPierre |
PT Radiologic Science Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
alapierre@yvcc.edu |
Ashley |
LeRoue |
Human Resource Consultant 1 |
Human Resources |
aleroue@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4654 |
01-118 |
Aspen |
Scott |
PT Instruction and Classroom Support Tech 1 |
Student Services |
ascott@yvcc.edu |
07-202 |
Aurora |
Cruz |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
ACruz@yvcc.edu |
Austin |
Armenta |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
AArmenta@yvcc.edu |
08-165 |
Aylin |
Hernandez |
WS Office Worker |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) |
AylinHernandez@yvcc.edu |
30-120 |
Azrael |
Wilson |
Program Assistant |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
AWilson@yvcc.edu |
Beatriz |
Ruiz |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
BeatrizRuiz@yvcc.edu |
Ben |
Mayo |
FT Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
bmayo@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4864 |
004-269 |
Benjamin |
Fernandez |
Workstudy - Sports Program Worker |
Athletics |
BFernandez@yvcc.edu |
06-104 |
Benjamin |
Krueger |
Head Baseball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
bkrueger@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4724 |
06-122 |
Benjamin |
Tole |
Coordinator Web Content |
Community Relations |
btole@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4528 |
001-111 |
Berlin |
Rasmussen |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Services |
brasmussen@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4995 |
07-202 |
Bertha |
Gonzalez |
Pathway Navigator |
Workforce Education Division |
bgonzalez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4728 |
01-183 |
Bertha |
Ortega |
Trustee |
Yakima Valley College Board of Trustees |
bortega@yvcc.edu |
Biatris |
Mondaca |
Credentials Evaluator 2 |
Student Services |
bmondaca@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3292 |
08-108 |
Bill |
Wayenberg |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
wwayenberg@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3209 |
004-158 |
Brady |
Mugleston |
Director of Technology Services |
Technology Services |
BMugleston@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4710 |
001-159 |
Brandi |
Garza |
PT Nursing Clinical Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
bgarza@yvcc.edu |
Brandi |
Thomas |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
BThomas@yvcc.edu |
003-116 |
Brandon |
Charbonnel |
FT Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
bcharbonnel@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6827 |
04-250 |
Brandon |
DeVries |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
BDeVries@yvcc.edu |
Brandon |
Evert |
Campus Security Officer |
Security & Safety |
BEvert@yvcc.edu |
29-141 |
Brenda |
Montoya-Roman |
Pathway Navigator |
College & Career Readiness |
bmontoya-roman@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4767 |
01-179 |
Brenda |
Munguia |
RSVP Bilingual Program Assistant |
College & Career Readiness |
bmunguia@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6872 |
Brian |
Bodah |
Agriculture Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
bbodah@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4690 |
008-231 |
Brian |
Lewis |
PT Campus Security Officer |
Security & Safety |
blewis@yvcc.edu |
029-141 |
Brian |
Williams |
PT BASED Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
bwilliams@yvcc.edu |
Briana |
Hernandez |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
BrianaHernandez@yvcc.edu |
08-108 |
Brianna |
Byrne |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
bbyrne@yvcc.edu |
Brianna |
Larios |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
BLarios@yvcc.edu |
Brianna |
Vargas |
Instruction & Class Support |
Workforce Education Division |
bvargas@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4562 |
03-118 |
Brittani |
Jaussaud |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Services |
BJaussaud@yvcc.edu |
Brittany |
Courser |
PT Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
bcourser@yvcc.edu |
021-160B |
Brittney |
Scherer |
Hourly Other |
BScherer@yvcc.edu |
09-144 |
Brock |
Eubanks |
Economics BA Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
beubanks@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3226 |
004-175 |
Brooke |
Rodriguez |
Office Assistant 3 |
Student Services - Athletics |
brodriguez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4721 |
006-123 |
Brooklyn |
Stewart |
Secretary Senior |
Arts & Sciences |
BStewart@yvcc.edu |
40-100 |
Caesar |
Aguilar |
Data Manager |
Technology Services |
caguilar@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4815 |
01-160 |
Caitlyn |
Nation |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
CNation@yvcc.edu |
21-160B |
Cami |
Pangrazi |
Allied Health - Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
cpangrazi@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4520 |
037-115 |
Camille |
Anderson |
Campus Security Officer |
Security & Safety |
canderson@yvcc.edu |
29-141 |
Cara |
Warren |
AHSP Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
cwarren@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3136 |
37-105 |
Carina |
Santacruz-Garcia |
WS Office Worker |
Workfirst Education Division |
CSantacruzGarcia@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3288 |
32-100 |
Carissa |
Kimble |
WS Office Worker |
Arts & Science |
CKimble@yvcc.edu |
20-101 |
Carl |
Gangl |
Custodian 1 |
Faciity Operations |
cgangl@yvcc.edu |
Carlee |
Richard |
Stage Technician 2 |
Student Services |
crichard@yvcc.edu |
Carli |
Shelton |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Technology Services |
CShelton@yvcc.edu |
01-171 |
Carol |
Milliron |
Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
cmilliron@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4903 |
022-206 |
Carol |
Mosebar |
Program Assistant |
Enrollment Services |
Cmosebar@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4929 |
008-108 |
Carol |
Schneider |
Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
cschneider@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4904 |
008-243 |
carol |
Wilson |
PT Vet. Tech. Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
cwilson@yvcc.edu |
509 574-6800 x3118 |
030-130 |
Carolina |
Licano |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 3 |
Workforce Education Division |
CarolinaLicano@yvcc.edu |
Carolina |
Licano |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 3 |
Workforce Education Division |
clicano@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7052 |
51-130 |
Carolyn |
Calhoon |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
ccalhoon@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4832 |
004-183 |
Carrie |
Cooley |
Basic Skills Intructor |
College & Career Readiness |
ccooley@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7030 |
056-131 |
Carter |
Young |
Workstudy - Sports Program Worker |
Athletics |
CYoung@yvcc.edu |
06-104 |
Casey |
Owen |
PT Technology Tech F |
Technology Services |
COwen@yvcc.edu |
01-171 |
Castulo |
Arteaga |
Trustee |
Yakima Valley College Board of Trustees |
carteaga@yvcc.edu |
Catalina |
Villanueva |
Part-time Faculty |
Upward Bound |
cvillanueva@yvcc.edu |
Cecilia |
Macias |
Universal Design and Accessibility Coordinator |
Community Relations |
cmacias@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4756 |
01-111 |
Cesario |
Dominguez |
PT AH Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
cdominguez@yvcc.edu |
Chancellor |
Mickles |
Tutor |
Student Services |
chancelormickles@yvcc.edu |
07-203 |
Chanie |
Gouws |
PT Program Assistant |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
CGouws@yvcc.edu |
Chantelle |
Kranz |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
CKranz@yvcc.edu |
20-160N |
Cheri |
Podruzny |
Dental Hygiene Coordinator and Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
cpodruzny@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4921 |
003-121 |
Cheryl |
Craig |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ccraig@yvcc.edu |
Cheryl |
Mills |
Fiscal Tech 2 |
Arts & Sciences |
cmills@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4594 |
04-162 |
Chris |
Kinzell |
Coordinator Veterans Program |
Student Services |
ckinzell@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4715 |
008-137 |
Chris |
Otten |
FT Photography Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
cotten@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4539 |
020-162 |
Christian |
Gomez |
Customer Support Specialist 2 |
Technology Services |
CGomez@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7039 |
56-116 |
Christian |
Guzman |
Tutorial Worker |
Arts & Science |
CGuzman@yvcc.edu |
20-202 |
Christian |
Magana |
IT Customer Support - Entry |
Technology Services |
CMagana@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4515 |
1171 |
Christine |
Hankins |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Arts & Sciences |
chankins@yvcc.edu |
04-125 |
Christopher |
Bruya |
PT Music Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
cbruya@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3109 |
Christopher |
Ryan |
Library & Archives Paraprofessional 1 |
Library & Media Services |
CRyan@yvcc.edu |
Chuck |
Cummings |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
ccummings@yvcc.edu |
029-105 |
Cindy |
Hoffman |
IT Customer Service - Journey |
Technology Services |
choffman@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4778 |
001-171 |
Claire |
Carpenter |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
CCarpenter@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4866 |
004-283 |
Cody |
Smith |
Radiologic Science Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
csmith@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6853 |
30-186 |
Connie |
Campos |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
ccampos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x5816 |
056-105 |
Connie |
Jensen |
Center of Excellence PROGRAM COORDINATOR |
Workforce Education Division |
cjensen@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4572 |
030-112 |
Consuelo |
Magana |
WS Office Worker |
ConsueloMagana@yvcc.edu |
30-120 |
Correy |
Olson |
Campus Security Officer |
Security & Safety |
colson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3273 |
029-141 |
Courtney |
Abrams |
Tutor |
Student Services |
cabrams@yvcc.edu |
07-203 |
Cristina |
Vazquez |
Dental Hygiene - OFFICE ASSISTANT 3 |
Workforce Education Division |
cvazquez@yvcc.edu |
003-106B |
Cristy |
Rasmussen |
STEM Director |
Arts & Sciences |
crasmussen@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4643 |
004-241 |
Crystal |
Davis |
Fiscal Specialist 1 |
Business & Accounting Services |
CDavis@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4622 |
01-141 |
Crystal |
Dorais |
Customer Service Specialist III |
Auxiliary Services |
cdorais@yvcc.edu |
30-133 |
Dahvi |
Trujillo |
PT Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Support |
DTrujillo@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Daisy |
Martinez |
WS Office Worker |
DaisyMartinez@yvcc.edu |
30-120 |
Daisy |
Mendoza |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
DMendoza@yvcc.edu |
Dale |
Panattoni |
PT Information Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
dpanattoni@yvcc.edu |
024-200G |
Dalia |
Zamarripa |
PT EDUC Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
dzamarripa@yvcc.edu |
Damaris |
Martinez |
Instruct and Class Support Tech 1 |
Grandview |
dmartinez@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Dan |
Ferguson |
Center of Excellence Allied Health Director |
Workforce Education Division |
dferguson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6863 |
030-108 |
Dan |
Peters |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
dpeters@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3194 |
004-185 |
Dana |
Kallevig |
PT Engineering Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
dkallevig@yvcc.edu |
Daniel |
Armanino |
Sociology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
DArmanino@yvcc.edu |
509-402-0013 |
Daniel |
Elliott |
ABE Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
delliott@yvcc.edu |
21-160D |
Daniel |
Erickson |
Communications Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
derickson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4831 |
020-164 |
Daniel |
Rodriguez |
IT Customer Service - Entry |
Technology Services |
drodriguez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4763 |
01-171 |
Daniel |
Schapiro |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
dschapiro@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4850 |
004-271 |
Darci |
Dekker |
Head Volleyball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
ddekker@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4729 |
06-119 |
Darin |
Kaschmitter |
PT Music Instructor - Piano |
Arts & Sciences |
dkaschmitter@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3265 |
001-179 |
Dave |
McReynolds |
Communications Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
dmcreynolds@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3188 |
020-168 |
David |
Blakley |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Workforce Education Division |
dblakley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4795 |
024-200D |
David |
Dalton |
Information Technology & Bachelor of Applied Science in Informat |
Workforce Education Division |
ddalton@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4848 |
024-200H |
David |
Lynx |
PT Faculty |
Arts & Sciences |
DLynx@yvcc.edu |
David |
Tinner |
Workstudy - Sports Program Worker |
Athletics |
DTinner@yvcc.edu |
06-124 |
Dayna |
Colby |
Assistant Softball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
dcolby@yvcc.edu |
06-114 |
Dean |
Yockey |
Work Study - Tutorial Worker |
Student Services |
DYockey@yvcc.edu |
07-202 |
Debbie |
Mahre |
Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
DMahre@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4923 |
003-119 |
Debbie |
Rath |
Grants & Contracts Fiscal Manager |
Business & Accounting Services |
drath@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4630 |
001-142 |
Debbie |
Stohr |
Bookstore Buyer |
Bookstore |
dstohr@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4623 |
009-101 |
Debbie |
Voelker |
ABE Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
dvoelker@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3243 |
021-160N |
Deborah |
Gould |
Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
dgould@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4919 |
003-117 |
Debra |
Jim |
Program Coordinator |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
DJim@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4558 |
08-131 |
Delilah |
Canales |
Part-time Faculty |
Upward Bound |
DCanales@yvcc.edu |
Delores |
Gonzalez-Castro |
PT ECED/EDUC Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
dgonzalez-castro@yvcc.edu |
Deniele |
Fleming |
Substance Use Disorder Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
dfleming@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4541 |
08-223 |
Denise |
Paikuli |
Education Instruct/EAG Coordinator |
Workforce Education Division |
dpaikuli@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3148 |
21-141I |
Derrick |
Ackerman |
Custodian 2 |
Facility Operations |
dAckerman@yvcc.edu |
29-112 |
Destiny |
Rosales Ramos |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
College & Career Readiness |
DRosalesRamos@yvcc.edu |
Ellensburg |
Devina |
Botsford |
Fiscal Manager |
Arts & Sciences |
dbotsford@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4574 |
09-125B |
Diana |
Corona |
WS Office Worker |
DCorona@yvcc.edu |
52-117 |
Dianna |
Gadley |
Secretary Senior |
Workforce Education Division |
dgadley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4753 |
20-180 |
Dodie |
Forrest |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
dforrest@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4822 |
004-177 |
Douglas |
Lewis |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
DLewis@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3298 |
Dustin |
Shattuck |
Director of TRIO |
Student Services |
DShattuck@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4960 |
008-141 |
Dustin |
Wunderlich |
Director of Community Relations |
Office of the President |
dwunderlich@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6870 |
001-112 |
Eden |
Soto |
Human Resource Generalist |
Human Resources |
esoto@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4972 |
01-121 |
Edgar |
Delgado |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Technology Services |
EdgarDelgado@yvcc.edu |
01-163 |
Edith |
Segundo-Quintana |
Bilingual Office Assistant 3 |
Student Services |
ESegundoQuintana@yvcc.edu |
Elaine |
Asato |
Retail Clerk I |
Bookstore |
easato@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4629 |
009-101 |
Elena |
Sullivan |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
ESullivan@yvcc.edu |
Eliot |
Treichel |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
etreichel@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4547 |
04-187 |
Elise |
LaRue |
Part-time Faculty |
Arts & Sciences |
ELaRue@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3105 |
04-152 |
Elivette |
Diaz |
ABE Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
ediaz@yvcc.edu |
Elizabeth |
Boelter |
PT Substance Use Disorder Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
eboelter@yvcc.edu |
Elizabeth |
DeVilleneuve |
Director-Title V Grant |
Student Services |
edevilleneuve@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4978 |
008-174 |
Elizabeth |
Dunham |
ELA Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
edunham@yvcc.edu |
021-160D |
Elizabeth |
McEwen |
Veterinary Technology Instructional Classroom Support |
Workforce Education Division |
EEvans@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4626 |
030-132 |
Elizabeth |
Shenyer |
Veterinary Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
eshenyer@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4674 |
030-122 |
Ellie |
Robins |
PT Bachelor of Applied Science Teacher Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
erobins@yvcc.edu |
Elvira Isabel |
Woods |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
College & Career Readiness |
EWoods@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3258 |
021-204 |
Emeka |
Udenze |
Chemistry Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
EUdenze@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4511 |
004-253 |
Emil |
Miller |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Arts & Sciences |
emiller@yvcc.edu |
Emilee |
Jongeward |
Digital Printing Specialist |
Print Shop |
EJongeward@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 ext.3347 |
29-131 |
Emilee |
Oldham |
Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
eoldham@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4542 |
08-243 |
Emily |
Aguilar |
WS Office Worker |
Grandview Campus |
EAguilar@yvcc.edu |
55- |
Emily |
Brazil-George |
Substitute Custodian |
Facility Operations |
ebrazil-george@yvcc.edu |
29-112 |
Emily |
Washines |
PT Ethnic Studies Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
ewashines@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3132 |
04-158 |
Emmanuel |
Sanchez |
PT ECED/EDUC Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
esanchez@yvcc.edu |
Eraina |
Hatch |
Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ehatch@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4912 |
23-204 |
Eric |
Anderson |
Anthropology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
EAnderson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4808 |
004-156 |
Eric |
Moore |
IT Customer Support - Entry |
Technology Services |
EMoore@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4677 |
01-171 |
Eric |
Patrick |
PT Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
epatrick@yvcc.edu |
008-237 |
Eric |
Uribe |
WS Office Worker |
Student Support |
EUribe@yvcc.edu |
Ericka |
Mowrey |
Basic Skills Intructor |
College & Career Readiness |
eMowrey@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3138 |
021-160E |
Erin |
Anderton |
Fiscal Analyst 1 |
Business & Accounting Services |
eanderton@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4975 |
001-143 |
Esmeralda |
Alvarez |
Tutorial Worker |
Student Support |
EAlvarez@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Esmeralda |
Cruz |
Bilingual Office Assistant 3 |
Grandview |
ECruz@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7015 |
56-110 |
Esmeralda |
Hernandez |
Program Specialist 2 |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
ehernandez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4979 |
08-138B |
Ethan |
Davis |
Tutor |
Student Services |
edavis@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4995 |
07-203 |
Fabian |
Bravo |
Tutorial Worker |
Grandview Campus |
FBravo@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Fabiola |
Serra Fuertes |
PT VET Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
FSerraFuertes@yvcc.edu |
30-130 |
Felicia |
Flores |
Placement and GED Testing |
Grandview |
fflores@yvcc.edu |
56-110F |
Francisco |
Ramirez-Amezcua |
Part-time Faculty |
Upward Bound |
framirez-amezcua@yvcc.edu |
21-205 |
Francisco |
Rivera |
Maintenance Mechanic II |
Facility Operations |
frivera@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x5821 |
056-105 |
Freya |
Liggett |
Director of Larson Gallery |
Office of the President |
FLiggett@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4876 |
036-108 |
Gabriel |
Lepe |
Lab Technician |
Arts & Sciences |
glepe@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4563 |
04-204 |
Gabriela |
Arellano |
Work Study Lab Worker |
Arts & Science |
GArellano@yvcc.edu |
20-106 |
Gavin |
Bliss |
Laboratory Worker |
Arts & Science |
GBliss@yvcc.edu |
12-106 |
Gene |
Woodie |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
GWoodie@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3373 |
029-105 |
George |
Torrez |
Maintenance Mechanic 2 |
Facility Operations |
gtorrez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3375 |
029-112 |
Gerald |
Hino |
Dental Hygiene Attending Dentist |
Workforce Education Division |
ghino@yvcc.edu |
03-120 |
Gerard |
Dombrowski |
PT Chemical Dependency Studies Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
gdombrowski@yvcc.edu |
Gerardo |
Mungia |
PT Criminal Justice Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
gmungia@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3268 |
008-237 |
Gina |
Scribner |
Procurement & Supply Specialist 1 |
Business & Accounting Services |
gscribner@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4615 |
35-101 |
Gionna |
Wheeler |
Service Worker |
Arts & Science |
GWheeler@yvcc.edu |
20-151 |
Glen |
Petrites |
Deaf Interpreter 3 |
Student Servies - Disability Support Services |
gpetrites@yvcc.edu |
08-143 |
Glenda |
Orgill |
PT Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
gorgill@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4787 |
020-180 |
Glennda |
Snodgrass |
PT ECE Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
gsnodgrass@yvcc.edu |
008-231 |
Graciela |
Almaguer |
Tutor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
galmaguer@yvcc.edu |
Greg |
Kent |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
GKent@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4883 |
004-243 |
Guadalupe |
Fraga |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
GFraga@yvcc.edu |
56-122 |
Guadalupe |
Huitron-Lilly |
Faculty Counselor |
Counseling |
gHuitron-Lilly@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4683 |
008-170 |
Guadalupe |
Torres |
Work Study |
Student Services |
GTorres@yvcc.edu |
09-144 |
Gwen |
Noble |
PT Social Science Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
gnoble@yvcc.edu |
Gwyn |
Trull |
PT Bachelor of Applied Science Teacher Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
gtrull@yvcc.edu |
Hannah |
Neighbors |
Library & Archives Paraprofessional 1 |
Library & Media Services |
HNeighbors@yvcc.edu |
07-120 |
Hannah |
Schut |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
hschut@yvcc.edu |
Heather |
Lundquist |
Workfirst Program Assistant |
Workfirst Education Division |
hlundquist@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4745 |
032-100D |
Heaven |
Pegram |
Human Resource Consultant Assistant 2 |
Human Resources |
HPegram@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4673 |
01-118 |
Heidi |
Matlack |
Faculty Counselor |
Student Support Services |
hmatlack@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7042 |
056-121A |
Heidi |
Shaw |
Psychology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
hshaw@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4812 |
004-148 |
Helen |
Floren |
PT Veterinary Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
hfloren@yvcc.edu |
Herlinda |
Ruvalcaba |
BAS Director |
Workforce Education Division |
HRuvalcaba@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4723 |
08-263 |
Hidie |
Barrera |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
HidieBarrera@yvcc.edu |
Hillary |
Emerson |
Coordinator of Running Start and Testing Services |
Running Start & Testing |
HEmerson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4970 |
008-117 |
Holly |
Cousens |
Business Technology instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
hcousens@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3130 |
024-200F |
Holly |
Ferguson |
Agriculture/Vitculture Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
hferguson@yvcc.edu |
509 834 4517 |
008-229 |
Holly |
Parker |
Hourly Tasting Room Attendant |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
hparker@yvcc.edu |
36-122 |
Hope |
Baker |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
HBaker@yvcc.edu |
008-237 |
Hope |
McDonald |
PT Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
hmcdonald@yvcc.edu |
21-160N |
Ingrid |
Fortmeyer |
Deaf Interpreter 3 |
Student Servies - Disability Support Services |
ifortmeyer@yvcc.edu |
Isaac |
Jimenez |
Work Study |
Student Services |
IJimenez@yvcc.edu |
56-108 |
Isai |
Lujan-Ramirez |
Work Study |
Student Services |
ILujanRamirez@yvcc.edu |
Isai |
Macias |
Foreign Languages Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
IMacias@yvcc.edu |
Isaias |
Guerrero |
Director Upward Bound |
Upward Bound |
IGuerrero@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4958 |
30-156 |
Jace |
Loudon |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Technology Services |
JLoudon@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 ext.3289 |
01-171 |
Jace |
Thompson |
Instr & Class Supp Tech 1 |
Student Services |
jacethompson@yvcc.edu |
Jaclyn |
Johnson |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
jaclynjohnson@yvcc.edu |
Jacob |
Arellano |
WS Office Worker |
Disability Support Services |
JacobArellano@yvcc.edu |
Jacob |
Ochoa |
ABE Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
jochoa@yvcc.edu |
21-160D |
Jacob |
Sausedo |
IT Customer Support - Entry |
Technology Services |
JSausedo@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4764 |
01-171 |
Jacqueline |
Gutierrez |
Bilingual Office Assistant 3 |
Student Services |
JGutierrez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4719 |
08-108 |
Jacqueline |
Mendoza |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
jmendoza@yvcc.edu |
056-110F |
Jacqueline |
Razo |
WS Office Worker |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) |
JRazo@yvcc.edu |
30-120 |
Jacqueline |
Staley |
Coordinator - Teaching & Learning |
Technology Services |
JStaley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4827 |
008-259 |
Jade |
Deyo |
Program Assistant |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
jdeyo@yvcc.edu |
08-108 |
Jaiden |
Solis |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
JSolis@yvcc.edu |
08-165 |
James |
Combs |
Warehouse Operator 1 |
Business & Accounting Services |
jcombs@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4614 |
035-100 |
James |
Desler |
ABE Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
JDesler@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4552 |
41-104 |
James |
Rivard |
PT Chemistry Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jrivard@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3395 |
004-160 |
Jami |
Pottratz |
PT BASTE Mentor Teacher |
Workforce Education Division |
jpottratz@yvcc.edu |
Jamie |
Hansen |
Geology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jhansen@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4686 |
004-250 |
Jamie |
Treat |
FT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
jtreat@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4526 |
21-160M |
Janathan |
Grandoit |
Communications Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jgrandoit@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7058 |
Janelle |
Johnston |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
JanelleJohnston@yvcc.edu |
Janet |
Engle |
Management Analyst 3 |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
JEngle@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4998 |
01-205A |
Janice |
Johnson |
PT ECE Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
JJohnson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3391 |
008-259 |
Jareny |
Orozco |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
JOrozco@yvcc.edu |
08-164 |
Jasmine |
Bustos |
Office Assistant 3 |
College & Career Readiness |
jbustos@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4546 |
021-160 |
Jason |
Gooch |
Philosophy Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jgooch@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4933 |
020-167 |
Jason |
Sterbenz |
Senior IT System Administrator |
Technology Services |
jsterbenz@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4898 |
001-162 |
Jason |
Weatherley |
Interim Head Softball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
jweatherley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4987 |
06-114 |
Jeanette |
Martinez |
Instruct and Class Support Tech 1 |
Grandview |
JMartinez@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Jeanine |
Bator |
Part-time Faculty |
Upward Bound |
JeanineBator@yvcc.edu |
56-121C |
Jeff |
Gerhardstein |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
jgerhardstein@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7065 |
56-120C |
Jeff |
Horst |
Substitute Custodian |
Facility Operations |
jhorst@yvcc.edu |
29-105 |
Jeff |
Morrow |
Director of Facility Operations |
Facility Operations |
jmorrow@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4696 |
029-110 |
Jeff |
Norwood |
PT Music Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jnorwood@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4836 |
012-119 |
Jeffery |
Turner |
Maintenance Mechanic 2 |
Facility Operations |
jturner@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3166 |
029-105 |
Jeffrey |
Arteaga |
Facility Operations - Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
jarteaga@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3104 |
029-105 |
Jeffrey |
Blair |
Part-time Faculty |
Arts & Sciences |
JBlair@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3302 |
04-158 |
Jeffrey |
Smith |
Part-time Faculty |
Arts & Sciences |
JeffreySmith@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x5801 |
12-119 |
Jeffrey |
St. George |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
jstgeorge@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3383 |
029-105 |
Jennifer |
Ernst |
Vice President of Instruction & Student Services |
Office of the President |
jernst@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4641 |
001-107 |
Jennifer |
Hopper |
ASL Interpreter/Tutoring Center Coordinator |
Student Servies - Disability Support Services |
jhopper@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4973 |
08-139 |
Jeremy |
Brown |
Nursing Instructor/Coordinator |
Workforce Education Division |
jbrown@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4908 |
23-101B |
Jeremy |
Buegge |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jbuegge@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4863 |
004-255 |
Jeremy |
Marion |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jmarion@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4602 |
04-260 |
Jeremy |
Van Dam |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
jvandam@yvcc.edu |
Jerred |
Seveyka |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jseveyka@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4944 |
004-285 |
Jessica |
Alvarez |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Grandview |
JAlvarez@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7041 |
56-116 |
Jessica |
Mills |
PT DH Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
JessicaMills@yvcc.edu |
03-116 |
Jessica |
Quintero |
WS Office Worker |
JessicaQuintero@yvcc.edu |
Jessica |
Rodriguez |
Hourly Other |
JessicaRodriguez@yvcc.edu |
09-144 |
Jessica |
Vigil |
Assistant Director of Financial Aid |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
JVigil@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4502 |
008-123 |
Jesus |
Mendez Soto |
Information Security Officer |
Technology Services |
JMendezSoto@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4994 |
01-158 |
Jim |
Mills |
Campus Security Officer - Sergeant |
Security & Safety |
JMills@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3184 |
029-141 |
Jimmy |
Head |
Custodian 2 |
Facility Operations |
JHead@yvcc.edu |
29-112 |
Joana |
Vasquez |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
JVasquez@yvcc.edu |
Joanna |
Fischer |
Vet Tech Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
jfischer@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4759 |
30-126 |
Joaquin |
Macias |
Bilingual Program Assistant |
Workforce Education Division |
jmacias@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3196 |
20-175 |
Jocelyn |
Galindo |
Bilingual Office Assistant 3 |
Workfirst Education Division |
JGalindo@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4561 |
32-100 |
Jocelyn |
Sheehan |
Executive Assistant to The President |
Office of the President |
jsheehan@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4635 |
01-135 |
John |
Campos |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
jcampos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3378 |
029-105 |
John |
Cyr |
ASL Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jcyr@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4810 |
020-156 |
John |
Dibari |
PT Chemistry Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
jdibari@yvcc.edu |
04-160 |
John |
Evanson |
Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
jevanson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4769 |
008-235 |
John |
Harbaugh |
PT Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jharbaugh@yvcc.edu |
509-555-6800x 5807 |
12-121 |
John |
Mitchell |
ABE Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
jmitchell@yvcc.edu |
40-100 |
John |
Olson |
Substitute Custodian |
Facility Operations |
jolson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3173 |
029-105 |
John |
Schofield |
Instructional Technician-II |
Arts & Sciences |
jschofield@yvcc.edu |
004-125 |
John |
Visaya |
IT System Administrator - Entry |
Technology Services |
jvisaya@yvcc.edu |
(509)574-4918 |
01-161 |
John Paul |
Shields |
PT Music Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
johnpaulshields@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3152 |
012-119 |
Jon |
Gilbert |
Electrician |
Facility Operations |
jgilbert@yvcc.edu |
029-112 |
Jon |
Lund |
PT Engineering Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
jlund@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3322 |
008-287 |
Jonathan |
Byrn |
Ethnic Studies Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jbyrn@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4873 |
04-154 |
Jonathan |
Zimmermann |
PT Agriculture Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
jzimmermann@yvcc.edu |
Jordan |
LaMay |
PT Instruction & Class Support Tech 2 |
Arts & Sciences |
jlamay@yvcc.edu |
56-101 |
Jordan |
Sheeres |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Arts & Sciences |
JSheeres@yvcc.edu |
04-125 |
Jordyn |
Rossmeisl |
Hourly Tutor |
College & Career Readiness |
jrossmeisl@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7073 |
56-101 |
Jose |
Brown |
Student Services |
JoseBrown@yvcc.edu |
06-104 |
Jose |
Riera Carrion |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
JRieraCarrion@yvcc.edu |
Jose |
Rodriguez |
Program Assistant |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
JoseRodriguez@yvcc.edu |
36-122 |
Josefina |
Andino |
PT Faculty Librarian |
Library & Media Services |
jandino@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3251 |
Josefina |
Garza |
Coordinator Workforce Program |
Workforce Education Division |
jgarza@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4743 |
008-135 |
Josephine |
Heine |
Work Study |
Administrative Services |
JHeine@yvcc.edu |
Joshua |
Aman |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
JAman@yvcc.edu |
07-130 |
Joshua |
Quiroz Gomora |
Human Resource Consultant Assistant 2 |
Human Resources |
JQuirozGomora@yvcc.edu |
01-118 |
Joshua |
Robins |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
jrobins@yvcc.edu |
Joshua |
Schlegel |
PT Faculty |
Upward Bound |
jschlegel@yvcc.edu |
Joshua |
Shipley |
Plumber |
Facility Operations |
jshipley@yvcc.edu |
29-112 |
Joshua |
Swayne |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 2 |
Arts & Sciences |
jswayne@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4564 |
004-125 |
Joshua |
Vega |
Head Women's Soccer Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
jvega@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4718 |
06-115 |
Joy |
Clark |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
JClark@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3285 |
004-179 |
Juan |
Maciel-Padilla |
Fiscal Technician 3 |
Business & Accounting Services |
jmaciel-padilla@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4754 |
08-108F |
Juan |
Morales |
WS Office Worker |
Financial Aid |
JMorales@yvcc.edu |
509-494-7957 |
08-108 |
Juan |
Vargas |
WS Office Worker |
Arts & Science |
JVargas@yvcc.edu |
30-120 |
Judith |
Mendoza |
Fiscal Specialist 1 |
Business & Accounting Services |
judithmendoza@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4656 |
01-141 |
Judy |
Parker |
Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
JParker@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4925 |
22-219 |
Julia |
Conduff |
Part-time Faculty |
Arts & Sciences |
JConduff@yvcc.edu |
23-101C |
Julianne |
King |
PT Instr & Class Support Tech 1 |
College & Career Readiness |
JulianneKing@yvcc.edu |
40-100 |
Julie |
Imus-johnson |
PT ASL Interpreter |
Tutoring Center |
jimus-johnson@yvcc.edu |
Julie |
Swedin |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
jswedin@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4816 |
004-151 |
Julio |
Brizuela |
WS-Sports Program Worker |
Student Services - Athletics |
JBarizuela@yvcc.edu |
06-104 |
Julio |
Iniguez |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
jiniguez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3103 |
29-105 |
Julio |
Moreno |
Network Engineer |
Technology Services |
jmoreno@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6803 |
001-161 |
Justina |
Aguilera |
CAMP Retention Specialist |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) |
jaguilera@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7070 |
52-117 |
Kailey |
Mosley |
Work Study |
Disability Support Services |
kmosley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3102 |
08-134 |
Kalliope |
Morse |
WS Office Worker |
Grandview |
KMorse@yvcc.edu |
Karen |
Islas |
Laboratory Worker |
Arts & Sciences |
kislas@yvcc.edu |
Karen |
Martinez |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
KMartinez@yvcc.edu |
08-165 |
Karina |
Andrade |
Credentials Evaluator 2 |
Student Services |
kandrade@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4619 |
08-165 |
Karina |
Casarez |
Human Resource Consultant Assistant 2 |
Human Resources |
KCasarez@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4533 |
01-118 |
Karissa |
Bradshaw |
PT BASTE Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
kbradshaw@yvcc.edu |
Karla |
Gonzalez-Alvarez |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Arts & Sciences Division |
KGonzalezAlvarez@yvcc.edu |
56-101 |
Karla |
Rabadan |
Student Life Manager |
Student Services |
krabadan@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4775 |
09-146 |
Karyl |
Johnson |
Reference Librarian |
Library & Media Services |
KarylJohnson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4986 |
07-113 |
Katharine |
Solada |
Geology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
ksolada@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3293 |
04-258 |
Katherene |
Anguiano |
Work Study Tutorial Worker |
Grandview Campus |
KAnguiano@yvcc.edu |
56 |
Kathryn |
Anderson |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
kanderson@yvcc.edu |
021-160J |
Kathryn |
Dunn |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
KathrynDunn@yvcc.edu |
Katie |
Hinckley |
PT Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
khinckley@yvcc.edu |
Kayla |
Underdahl |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
kunderdahl@yvcc.edu |
Kayla |
Vibbert |
Library & Archives Para 1 |
Library & Media Services |
kvibbert@yvcc.edu |
07-214 |
Kayla |
Villanueva |
Part-time Faculty |
Upward Bound |
KaylaVillanueva@yvcc.edu |
Kayo |
Nakamura |
Art Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
vNakamura@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4503 |
20-172 |
Keith |
Overland |
Custodian 1 |
Auxiliary Services |
koverland@yvcc.edu |
30-150F |
Keith |
Pawlovich |
Registrar & Director of Enrollment Services |
Student Services |
KPawlovich@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4702 |
08-111 |
Keith |
Reyes |
Sociology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
KeithReyes@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4806 |
004-171 |
Kelley |
DiBenedetto |
Secretary Senior |
Arts & Sciences |
kdibenedetto@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4834 |
004-142 |
Kelly |
Albertelli |
Special Projects Lead |
Office of the VP - Instruction & Student Services |
kalbertelli@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4702 |
Kelly |
Fitzpatrick |
Assistant Baseball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
kfitzpatrick@yvcc.edu |
006-122 |
Kelly |
Koch |
Interim Teacher Education Director |
Workforce Education Division |
kkoch@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4537 |
21-141C |
Kelly |
Kruger |
PT BASTE Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
kkruger@yvcc.edu |
Kelly |
Rae |
Program Coordinator |
Workforce Education Division |
krae@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4532 |
37-103 |
Kelly |
Smith |
Ground Specialist 2 |
Facility Operations |
KellySmith@yvcc.edu |
29-110 |
Kelsey |
Brontide |
RSVP - Coordinator |
College & Career Readiness |
kbrontide@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4766 |
Kenneth |
Baur |
Grounds & Nursery Spec 3 |
Facility Operations |
kbaur@yvcc.edu |
029-112 |
Kenneth |
Zontek |
History Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
kzontek@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4802 |
004-159 |
Kerrie |
Cavaness |
Dean of Arts & Sciences |
Office of the VP - Instruction & Student Services |
KCavaness@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4871 |
009-125C |
Keven |
Perez |
Instruct and Class Support Tech 1 |
College & Career Readiness |
kevenperez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3205 |
21-204 |
Kevin |
Carlascio |
PT Engineering Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
kcarlascio@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3382 |
008-237 |
Kevin |
Dyke |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
kdyke@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4504 |
004-267 |
Kevin |
Hager |
Instructional Designer |
Technology Services |
khager@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4791 |
08-250 |
Kevin |
Huerto |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
khuerto@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4868 |
04-287 |
Kevin |
Palmateer |
Information Technology / Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
kpalmateer@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4792 |
008-227 |
Kevin |
Primrose |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
kprimrose@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3381 |
029-105 |
Kim |
Hull |
Library & Archives Paraprofessional 1 |
Library & Media Services |
khull@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4505 |
07-124 |
Kimberly |
Sorchych |
Service Worker |
Arts & Science |
KSorchych@yvcc.edu |
20-101 |
Kristen |
Hursh |
Workfirst Coordinator |
Workfirst Education Division |
khursh@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4797 |
32-100B |
Kristin |
Linn |
Writing Center Tutor |
Arts & Sciences |
klinn@yvcc.edu |
Kristina |
Eliason |
PT Allied Health Pharmacy Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
keliason@yvcc.edu |
023-102 |
Kristy |
Webster |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
kwebster@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3171 |
056-120A |
Krystle |
Coleman |
Program Assistant |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
KColeman@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4631 |
08-108B |
Kyle |
Ashley |
Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
KAshley@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4872 |
08-239 |
Kylie |
Schrindel |
Custodian 2 |
Facility Operations |
KSchrindel@yvcc.edu |
29-112 |
Lacey |
Webber |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lwebber@yvcc.edu |
Lance |
Myler |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
lmyler@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4865 |
04-262 |
Larry |
Frazier |
IT Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lfrazier@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4758 |
024-200A |
Larry |
Goodale |
ABE Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
lgoodale@yvcc.edu |
Toppenish |
Laura |
Dodge |
Program Assistant |
Workforce Education Division |
ldodge@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4679 |
20-175 |
Laura |
Flores |
Trustee |
Yakima Valley College Board of Trustees |
LFlores@yvcc.edu |
Laura |
May |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
lmay@yvcc.edu |
04-181 |
Laura |
Rodriguez |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
College & Career Readiness |
LRodriguez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3203 |
21-204 |
Laura |
Stewart |
PT Nursing Clinical Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lstewart@yvcc.edu |
Laura |
Yolo |
Communications Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
lyolo@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7058 |
056-120B |
Laurel |
Robert Winter |
Work Study |
Arts & Science |
lrobertwinter@yvcc.edu |
20-106 |
Lauren |
Deruyter |
PT Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Support |
LDeruyter@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Laurie |
Bruskland |
PT Dental Hygiene Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lbruskland@yvcc.edu |
003-120 |
Laury |
Farino |
PT Allied Health Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lfarino@yvcc.edu |
023-102 |
Layza |
Palomino |
Tutorial Worker |
Arts & Sciences |
LPalomino@yvcc.edu |
Leilani |
Osman |
Hourly Other |
Student Services |
LOsman@yvcc.edu |
09-144 |
Leland |
Townsend |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
ltownsend@yvcc.edu |
Leslie |
Blackaby |
Dean of Student Services |
Student Services |
LBlackaby@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6867 |
008-121 |
Leslie |
Delzer |
Clay Studio Technician |
Arts & Sciences |
ldelzer@yvcc.edu |
20-102 |
Leslie |
Potter-Henderson |
Director of Library & Media Services |
Library & Media Services |
lpotter-henderson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4984 |
07-125 |
Lexanna |
Pangle |
Writing Center Coordinator |
Grandview |
lpangle@yvcc.edu |
56-101 |
Li |
Wang |
Tutor |
Student Services |
lwang@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4995 |
07-203 |
Libby |
McRae |
Allied Health Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
LMcRae@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6845 |
37-116 |
Liesl |
Mefford |
PT ABE Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
lmefford@yvcc.edu |
Liliana |
Rutz |
Assistant Director |
Upward Bound |
lrutz@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6843 |
30-152 |
Liliana |
Velazquez |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Workforce Education Division |
lvelazquez@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4529 |
30-132 |
Linda |
Anderson |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
LAnderson@yvcc.edu |
021-160J |
Linda |
Kaminski |
President |
Office of the President |
LKaminski@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4635 |
001-102 |
Linda |
Mensing |
Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lmensing@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4910 |
022-208 |
Linda |
Rodriguez |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
RodriguezLinda@yvcc.edu |
Linda |
Wells |
Custodian 1 |
Facility Operations |
lwells@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3237 |
029-105 |
Lindsey |
Brandon |
Deaf Interpreter 3 |
Student Servies - Disability Support Services |
lbrandon@yvcc.edu |
Lindsey |
McNellis |
History Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
lmcnellis@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7059 |
56-136E |
Lisa |
Cyr |
PT BAS-TE Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
lcyr@yvcc.edu |
Lisa |
Dominguez |
Allied Health Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ldominguez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3316 |
37-114 |
Lisette |
Pimentel |
WS Office Worker |
Arts & Science |
LPimentel@yvcc.edu |
04-142 |
Lizbeth |
Cardenas |
Program Coordinator |
Upward Bound |
lcardenas@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6886 |
30-104 |
London |
Wilson |
Head Men's Basketball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
lwilson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4727 |
006-121 |
Lonni |
Rodriguez-Funk |
Director Workfirst |
Workfirst Education Division |
lrodriguez-funk@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4607 |
032-100C |
Lorenzo |
Sanchez |
Program Assistant |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
LSanchez@yvcc.edu |
Lori |
Ferguson |
Program Support Coordinator |
Workforce Education Division |
lferguson@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6810 |
21-141E |
Lori |
Kunkler |
Interim Dean of CCR and Grandview Campu |
College & Career Readiness |
lkunkler@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4855 |
056-109A |
Lou |
D'Amelio |
PT Criminal Justice Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ld'amelio@yvcc.edu |
Lucero |
Mendez |
WS Office Worker |
LMendez@yvcc.edu |
30-120 |
Luis |
Bello-Zarallo |
Spanish Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
lbello-zarallo@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4826 |
020-158 |
Lyn |
Lewis |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
llewis@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3287 |
021-160C |
Lyndsey |
Murphy |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
LyndseyMurphy@yvcc.edu |
Lynn |
Hennessey |
Director-Title V Grant |
Office of the VP - Instruction & Student Services |
lhennessey@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4512 |
08-108B |
Magdalena |
Serrano |
Office Assistant 3 |
College & Career Readiness |
mserrano@yvcc.edu |
Maggie |
Mendoza |
PT Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mmendoza@yvcc.edu |
Mailyn |
Lee |
WS Office Worker |
Facility Operations |
MLee@yvcc.edu |
Makaylah |
Denton |
Director of Instructional Research |
Institutional Effectiveness |
mdenton@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4684 |
001-200B |
Makenna |
Buhl |
Program Assistant |
Auxiliary Services |
MBuhl@yvcc.edu |
30-101 |
Malynda |
Dyer |
Program Assistant |
Student Services - Disability Support Services |
mdyer@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4961 |
08-114 |
Mamie |
Barboza |
PT Education Instructo |
Workforce Education Division |
mbarboza@yvcc.edu |
Margaret |
Creamer |
Instruction and Classroom Support Tech |
Technology Services |
mcreamer@yvcc.edu |
08-209 |
Margaret |
France |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mfrance@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4821 |
004-150 |
Margaret |
Thurlby |
PT Mentor Teacher |
Workforce Education Division |
mthrulby@yvcc.edu |
Maria |
Armengol |
Pathway Navigator |
Workforce Education Division |
MArmengol@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4847 |
01-179 |
Maria |
Armenta |
Tutoring Center Program Coordinator |
Student Services |
marmenta@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4579 |
007-203 |
Maria |
Barajas |
PT Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mbarajas@yvcc.edu |
Maria |
Campuzano |
ELA Adjunct Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
mcampuzano@yvcc.edu |
Maria |
Castaneda |
WS Office Worker |
Arts & Sciences |
MCastaneda@yvcc.edu |
04-142 |
Maria |
Cuevas |
Chicano Studies Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
MCuevas@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3151 |
004-161 |
Maria |
Garcia |
Bilingual Program Coordinator |
Workforce Education Division |
mgarcia@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4733 |
21-141 |
Maria |
Hernandez |
Workfirst Coordinator |
Workfirst Education Division |
mhernandez@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4549 |
032-100E |
Maria |
Herrera |
Instruction and Class Support Tech 1 |
Grandview |
mherrera@yvcc.edu |
56-102 |
Maria |
Lund |
Curriculum Advisor |
Running Start & Testing |
mlund@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4971 |
008-115 |
Maria |
Orozco |
Step up to College Coordinator |
College & Career Readiness |
morozco@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7040 |
52-103 |
Maria |
Salaiza |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
msalaiza@yvcc.edu |
Maria |
Sauceda |
Radiologic Science Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
msauceda@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4931 |
030-188 |
Mariah |
Allen |
Part-time Faculty |
College & Career Readiness |
MAllen@yvcc.edu |
21-160B |
Mariah |
Rivera |
Hourly Other |
Student Services |
MRivera@yvcc.edu |
52-108 |
Mariana |
Barrera |
Work Study |
Student Services |
MBarrera@yvcc.edu |
09-144 |
Maribel |
Castellanos |
BASM Coordinator |
Workforce Education Division |
mcastellanos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4772 |
08-261 |
Maribel |
Gonzalez |
WS Office Worker |
Student Services |
MaribelGonzalez@yvcc.edu |
08-164 |
Maribel |
Solano-Alcantara |
Tutor |
Student Services |
MSolano-Alcantara@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4995 |
07-203 |
Maricela |
Ramos |
Program Assistant |
Student Services |
mramos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3345 |
09-145 |
Marisol |
Rodriguez |
PT Faculty, Mentor |
Workforce Education Division |
MarisolRodriguez@yvcc.edu |
Marivy |
Vasquez |
CAMP Grant Director |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) |
mvasquez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4701 |
56-110D |
Marizol |
Amezcua |
PT Mentor Teacher |
Workforce Education Division |
mAmezcua@yvcc.edu |
Mark |
Fuzie |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mfuzie@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4820 |
004-169 |
Mark |
Rogstad |
Hourly Other |
Office of the President |
MRogstad@yvcc.edu |
001-123 |
Marleni |
Hernandez |
Service Worker |
Arts & Sciences |
MarleniHernandez@yvcc.edu |
20-102 |
Martin |
Mattes |
Tutor |
Student Services |
mmattes@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4995 |
07-203 |
Martin |
Meister |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mmeister@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6883 |
004-275 |
Marty |
McCallum |
Assistant Volleyball Coach |
Student Services - Athletics |
mmccallum@yvcc.edu |
06-119 |
Marvella |
Zamora |
WS Office Worker |
Workfirst Education Division |
MZamora@yvcc.edu |
29-105 |
Mary |
DeWitt |
Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mdewitt@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4569 |
21-141G |
Mary |
Fishback |
PT Communications Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mfishback@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3119 |
020-154 |
Mary |
Myers-Hall |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
mmyers-hall@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3366 |
021-160J |
Matt |
Lewis |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mlewis@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4861 |
004-245 |
Matt |
McGuire |
Application Developer |
Technology Services |
MattMcGuire@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4761 |
001-159 |
Matthew |
Barton |
Graphic Designer |
Community Relations |
MBarton@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3324 |
01-181 |
Matthew |
Loeser |
Biology Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mloeser@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4858 |
004-279 |
Matthew |
Owen |
Philosophy Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mowen@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4828 |
20-159 |
Mayra |
Roque |
Tutorial Worker |
Student Services |
MRoque@yvcc.edu |
07-202 |
McKayla |
Avalos |
Management Analyst 3 |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
mavalos@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4860 |
01-205A |
Meagen |
Gardner |
PT Faculty |
Toppenish |
mgardner@yvcc.edu |
Toppenish |
Megan |
Jensen |
Executive Assistant to The President |
Office of the President |
mjensen@yvcc.edu |
001-101 |
Megan |
Kluever |
PT AHST Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
MKluever@yvcc.edu |
37-106 |
Meghan |
Flynn |
Art / Humanities Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mflynn@yvcc.edu |
020-169 |
Meghan |
Gilbert |
Data Analyst |
Institutional Effectiveness |
MGilbert@yvcc.edu |
01-200A |
Melanie |
Cox |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mcox@yvcc.edu |
04-181 |
Melanie |
Ozuna |
Service Worker |
Arts & Science |
MOzuna@yvcc.edu |
20-102 |
Melanie |
Palm |
PT BA Instructor |
Workforce Education |
MPalm@yvcc.edu |
Melinda |
Amaro |
PT Education Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mamaro@yvcc.edu |
Melinda |
Chiprez |
Spanish Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mchiprez@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7025 |
056-103 |
Melissa |
Brazeau |
Director of Workforce Education |
Workforce Education Division |
mBrazeau@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4744 |
08-225 |
Melody |
Gutierrez |
Secretary Senior |
Arts & Sciences |
MGutierrez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3317 |
04-242 |
Merisa |
Juarez |
Administrative Assistant 3 |
Technology Services |
mjuarez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4782 |
01-150A |
Merissa |
Roehl |
Tutorial Worker |
Student Support |
MRoehl@yvcc.edu |
Mia |
Dang |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Student Support |
MDang@yvcc.edu |
Michael |
Follansbee |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mfollansbee@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3232 |
004-143 |
Michael |
Lane |
Campus Security / Safety Supervisor |
Security & Safety |
mlane@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3272 |
029-141 |
Michael |
St Hilaire |
PT AST Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
MStHilaire@yvcc.edu |
24-104 |
Michael |
Wies |
Work Study |
Arts & Science |
MWies@yvcc.edu |
20-202 |
Michal |
Ramos |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences Division |
michalramos@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7061 |
056-136F |
Michele |
Coville |
Radiologic Sciences Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mcoville@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4926 |
030-192 |
Michelle |
Perry |
Tutoring Program Coordinator |
Grandview |
mperry@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7068 |
056-102 |
Miguel |
Castro |
Ground & Nursery Specialist 3 |
Facility Operations |
mcastro@yvcc.edu |
029-112 |
Mike |
Conklin |
PT Business Administration Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mconklin@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3389 |
008-237 |
Mike |
Jenck |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
MJenck@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4843 |
004-251 |
Miranda |
Mendoza |
WS Office Worker |
Arts & Science |
MirandaMendoza@yvcc.edu |
04-242 |
Miranda |
Roberson |
Work Study - Tutorial Worker |
Student Services |
MRoberson@yvcc.edu |
07-202 |
Misael |
Lopez |
Director - Budget Services |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
mlopez@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4650 |
Monika |
Lemmon |
Art / Humanities Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mlemmon@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3197 |
56-104A |
Monserrat |
Vargas |
Special Funding Coordinator |
Student Services - Financial Aid |
mvargas@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4977 |
008-133 |
Monty |
Walker |
History & Geography Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
mwalker@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4813 |
004-173 |
Morgan |
McCann |
Instruction & Class Support Tech 1 |
Arts & Sciences |
MMcCann@yvcc.edu |
04-125 |
Morgan |
Petre |
IT Customer Service - Entry |
Technology Services |
mpetre@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4776 |
001-171 |
Murray |
Ruggles |
Automotive Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
mruggles@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6869 |
024-104F |
Myrtha |
Moreno |
WS Office Worker |
MMoreno@yvcc.edu |
52-117 |
Nancy |
Arzaga |
WS Office Worker |
Workfirst |
NArzaga@yvcc.edu |
509-574-6800 x3164 |
32-100 |
Nat |
Wall |
Mathematics Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
nwall@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4867 |
004-239 |
Natalia |
Dunn |
Chemistry Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
ndunn@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4524 |
004-252 |
Natalie |
Andrus |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
nandrus@yvcc.edu |
Natalie |
Elyea |
Program Support Supervisor 1 |
Student Services |
NElyea@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4706 |
008-108A |
Natalie |
Guerrero |
Tutorial Worker |
Arts & Sciences |
NGuerrero@yvcc.edu |
20-202 |
Nathan |
Vetter |
PT Music Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
nvetter@yvcc.edu |
Nathaniel |
Lambert |
Part-time Faculty |
Workforce Education Division |
NLambert@yvcc.edu |
33-104 |
Nathaniel |
Udall |
Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
NUdall@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4734 |
Neal |
Schlenker |
Technology Services |
nschlenker@yvcc.edu |
509-882-7054 |
056-116A |
Neely |
Rouse |
PT Instructor |
College & Career Readiness |
nrouse@yvcc.edu |
509-201-1269 |
40-100 |
Nicole |
Frazier |
PT Radiologic Science Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
nfrazier@yvcc.edu |
Nicole |
Garcia Schmelzer |
PT Nursing Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
ngarciaschmelzer@yvcc.edu |
Nicole |
Papageorgiou |
PT Veterinary Technology Instructor |
Workforce Education Division |
npapageorgiou@yvcc.edu |
024-106 |
Nina |
Stewart |
SUTC Coordinator |
College & Career Readiness |
nstewart@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4535 |
40-100 |
Noemi |
Mendoza Santiago |
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President |
Office of the VP - Administrative Services |
NMendozaSantiago@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4668 |
01-135 |
Olivia |
Hernandez |
English Instructor |
Arts & Sciences |
ohernandez@yvcc.edu |
509-834-4573 |
004-141 |
Oralia |
Flores |
Instruct and Class Support Tech 1 |
Technology Services |
OFlores@yvcc.edu |
509-574-4981 |
008-209 |