SRC Housing Manual
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Student Residence Center
Student Residence Center
Building 30, Room 101
1113 S. 14th Ave
Yakima, WA 98902
Student Residence Center Housing Manual
Welcome to the Yakima Valley College (YVC) Student Residence Center (SRC)! Most college students find that the positive experience of learning to live with others enriches their lives. Your residence hall experience can prove to be as valuable as your academic experience. This is accomplished by cooperation, compromise and courtesy within the group living situation. Residents may participate in social events and regularly scheduled floor meetings. Floor meetings usually consist of an online survey sent to all residents.
Please review this page thoroughly as you will be held accountable for its contents. The housing contract, YVC SRC housing manual, and the provisions in YVC’s Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, are available for review and inspection upon request from the Director of Auxiliary Services. These documents become the contract between you and YVC with regard to the terms and conditions of occupancy in the YVC-SRC. Changes in these documents may occur due to subsequent enactment of Washington State law or revised written notices applicable to the operation and administration of the SRC.
Meningococcal meningitis is the leading cause of life-threatening meningitis in young adults in the U.S. It strikes about 3,000 people each year with 300 deaths. College students account for about 125 cases and 15 deaths. The infection is spread by air droplets like the flu and has flu-like symptoms initially. Symptoms can progress rapidly and lead to shock or death in hours. The risk for young adults ages 18-23 is 1.5 in 100,000. College students are not at higher risk than non-students, except for freshmen, particularly those living in residence halls (4.6 in 100,000). Meningococcal disease usually peaks in late winter and early spring. The disease can easily be misdiagnosed as something less serious, because symptoms are similar to the flu. The most common symptoms include high fever, headaches, neck stiffness, confusion, nausea, vomiting, lethargy and/or rashes. Anyone with similar symptoms should contact a physician immediately.
The vaccine is safe and available through your primary health care provider. Side effects are uncommon and usually mild. The vaccine will cause immunity in about 90% of individuals but is ineffective against one stereotype of meningococcus which causes about 30% of the cases. The vaccination lasts three to five years and costs approximately $65.
General immunization has not been recommended since the incidence of meningococcal disease is low. However, the American College Health Association recommends that parents and students, especially freshmen and dormitory residents who want to reduce their risk of disease, consider the benefit of vaccination. Students without a spleen or who are immune deficient should consider vaccination.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your local health department or the Yakima County Health Department.
Definitions, Terms and Conditions and Community Standards
2.0 Definitions
For the purpose of this contract the following definitions shall apply:
The time period between each term when classes are not in session.
A YVC department whose duties include but are not limited to:
- Enforcement of college rules and regulations and local, state and federal laws.
- Patrol of the campus buildings and grounds for prowlers, property violators or other irregularities on foot, bike, or in a patrol vehicle.
- Direction and regulation of traffic and parking.
- Investigation of accidents or crimes, responding to first aid calls, receiving and writing of reports of criminal activity.
- Assistance to stranded motorist with dead batteries, lockouts in vehicles, or buildings, etc.
- Assistance to local law enforcement agencies and fire departments.
Once the check-in process is completed, the contract is in effect. A daily pro-rated amount will be charged for the days that you check in prior to the beginning of an academic quarter. Every resident must register with staff upon initial occupancy. As part of the check-in process, each resident will complete and return the room check-in condition form and receive keys and other important information. All new and returning residents will complete mandatory orientation.
Before settling into your room, you will need to make a complete inventory and inspection of the room and its furnishings. The Room Check-in Condition form you will receive at check-in must be completed, signed, and returned within 48 hours of check-in. All contents of the room, including floors, ceiling, windows, doors and furniture are considered room inventory items. As a resident of the room, you are responsible for the inventory and the room in its entirety as long as you occupy the room. Care should be given to ensure a complete and accurate inventory, as you will be held responsible during checkout for any damages not listed on the sheet. Any student that moves into Student Housing agrees to take responsibility for all items on the sheet. Items that you feel do not belong in the room during your inventory should be reported immediately to the Housing Office within 48 hours of check-in.
Individuals that do not meet the SRC’s established quarterly check-in will wait until the next quarter or check-in date to move-in.
Notifying the Housing Office of intent to vacate by completing a Notice of Check Out/Contract Cancellation form. Checking-out outside of the approved move out dates will result in loss of housing deposit. Residents must adhere to the SRC check-out form procedures when checking out by completing a Check-Out Agreement. A daily prorated amount will be charged for the days you stay after the academic quarter. As part of the check-out process, each resident will return keys to the Housing Office.
Rules and standards which promote a positive learning and living community that all students, residents, and guests will be expected to follow. Residents and guests are expected to maintain integrity in all relationships, respect the dignity, and value the worth of all persons. Residents and their guests will at no time physically, mentally, psychologically or sexually abuse any member of this community, nor participate in any form of bigotry, harassment, intimidation or threat, whether verbal, physical or psychological, direct or implied. The relevant community standards for the YVC-SRC are discussed in further detail, below. These standards do not preclude enforcement of the YVC Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, any other college policies, state, or federal laws.
The time period for which residents are charged room rental between check-in and check-out of the SRC.
A deposit of a sum of money held in a student’s account which is paid to in relation to fees (damage, lost keys/key fob, lockouts, cleaning, late fees, etc.) or unpaid rent which ensures that both the items and room are returned and in good condition.
An individual authorized to visit the SRC by both a resident and the SRC. Hosted and escorted by an SRC resident.
Period starting the last day of classes until the last day of final exams.
Examples of financial aid include loans, federal Pell grants, federal supplemental grants, work study, etc.
A committee made up of YVC staff that determines disciplinary sanctions.
Administrative responsibility of SRC applications, contracts, payments, check-in, room transfers, check-out, lock-outs, room repair requests, and mail distribution. Hours of operation are posted in the office and around the SRC.
An installment of room charges for the academic quarter prior to check-in.
Full-time professional staff member living in the SRC to supervise student residence life and oversee the smooth operation of the residence halls. The program assistant works to ensure the development of a positive environment and serves as mediator and policy enforcer.
Operated seven evenings a week (excluding summer, holidays, and staff vacation); purpose is to assist residents with lock-outs, room repair requests, programming, recreational equipment, and video equipment check-out. Hours of operation are posted at the desk. If you need to contact program assistant during the evening, call 509.406.5502.
Also defined as fridge.
A room change approved by the Housing Office.
Includes Student Residence Center (SRC) Office, Residence Halls, and surrounding sidewalks.
3.0 - Community Standards
Possessing, delivering, sharing, transporting, administering, consuming, selling, or knowingly being in the presence of any alcoholic beverage, illegal drug, or controlled substance is prohibited.
- 3.1.1 The illegal possession or use of paraphernalia and/or compounds which produce
hallucinations or illusions when introduced into the body and all compounds covered
under federal and state drug control laws is prohibited, except when the use or possession
of a drug is specifically prescribed as medication by an authorized practitioner.
- 3.1.2 On-site medical use or possession of marijuana/cannabis products, in any form,
is prohibited.
- 3.1.3 Detectable intoxication within the SRC is prohibited.
- 3.1.4 Residents may not display alcohol or drug paraphernalia. Paraphernalia will
be confiscated and destroyed. This includes:
- Rapid-consumption device or “beer bong”
- Empty alcohol containers, such as beer cans, wine bottles, liquor bottles
- Pipes designed for the use of illegal drug consumption
- Hypodermic needles and related equipment designed for the use of illegal drug consumption
- Vaping items, cigarette, and/or electronic cigarette containing drugs/nicotine
- 3.1.5 Residents are responsible for their own actions and reporting actions of others involved in alcohol and/or drug related conduct regardless of age, who are in the facility. Residents must immediately report all violations to the Director of Auxiliary Services. Withholding knowledge of suspected alcohol and drug misconduct is prohibited.
- 3.2.1 Residents are expected to maintain integrity in all relationships, respect the dignity, and value the worth of all persons. Residents will at no time physically, verbally, mentally, psychologically, or sexually abuse any member of this community (including SRC staff), nor participate in or condone any form of bigotry, harassment, intimidation or threat, whether verbal, written, physical or psychological, direct or implied.
- 3.3.1 Commercial solicitation, advertising, promotion, and commercial transactions
are prohibited in all areas of the SRC. Solicitation is defined as:
- The sale of services or products, or the seeking of funds, signatures, merchandise or supplies.
- Attempts to urge, incite, request, or advise a person or persons to adopt an idea, political solicitation, or purchase merchandise or services for personal profit or organizational gain.
- Receiving business offers, goods, or services in the residence halls for business purposes of any nature.
- Individuals or organizations seeking an exemption to this policy must contact the Director of Auxiliary Services for approval in advance.
- 3.4.1 Residents must comply with and respond as instructed to the reasonable and lawful requests of any SRC or college official acting in the performance of his/her duties, including presenting proper identification and meeting with, or making contact with, SRC or college official upon request.
- 3.5.1 Disciplinary sanctions, including eviction from college SRC with associated
risks of financial loss as stated in the Terms and Conditions, may be imposed against
any resident found responsible for committing, attempting to commit, or intentionally
assisting in the commission of any of the offenses listed in the SRC Housing manual.
Students violating the YVC Code of Conduct of Student Rights and Responsibilities
may receive disciplinary sanctions as defined below under disciplinary procedures
and sanctions.
- 3.5.2 Retaliation against any individual for reporting, providing information, exercising
one's rights or responsibilities, or otherwise being involved in the process of responding
to, investigating, or addressing allegations or violations of federal, state or local
law, or college policies, including, but not limited to, student conduct code provisions
prohibiting discrimination and harassment is prohibited.
- 3.5.3 Any resident’s behavior to self or other residents that disrupts the community,
or demonstrates an unwillingness to live in a group setting is prohibited.
- 3.5.4 Examples of disruptive noise include but are not limited to: not keeping music
and television turned low enough not to hear it in the neighboring rooms or more than
three doors down in the hallway; yelling, screaming, bouncing of sports balls inside
of the building or within 50 feet of any opening to the building. If anyone from a
neighboring room complains that you are being too loud.
- 3.5.5 Hopf Hall quiet hours are Sunday through Thursday, 11:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.
and Friday/Saturday, 1:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
- 3.5.6 Lyon Hall has extended quiet hours 24 hours per day, seven days per week (except
summer session).
- 3.5.7 In both the Lyon and Hopf Halls, beginning the start of each final’s week through
the end of finals week, quiet hours will be 24 hours a day.
- 3.5.8 YVC-SRC is subject to the City of Yakima ordinance regarding excessive noise.
- 3.6.1 Possession, use, or threatened use of weapons (including but not limited to
firearms, martial arts weapons, BB guns, air guns, air-soft guns and paint guns),
ammunition, explosives (including but not limited to fireworks), dangerous chemicals,
or any other objects as weapons on college property except as expressly authorized
by law or college policies is prohibited.
- 3.6.2 Possession of knives with a blade longer than four inches is prohibited.
- 3.6.3 Misuse of personal defense devices (pepper spray for example) is prohibited. The owner is responsible and accountable for any misuse of these devices.
- 3.7.1 The SRC, in conjunction with the Housing Committee and office of the Vice President
for Administrative Services, may apply disciplinary sanctions or take other appropriate
action when student conduct materially and substantially violates community standards
at the SRC.
- 3.7.2 In determining whether sufficient cause exists upon reviewing a community standards
violation, the burden of proof shall be on the college, which must establish, by a
preponderance of the evidence, that the student is responsible for a violation of
the community standards and/or terms and conditions. For the purpose of this SRC
Housing Manual, the phrase, “preponderance of the evidence,” means that it is more
likely that the student charged did violate the community standards by engaging in
the conduct for which he/she is being charged than that he/she did not.
- 3.7.3 SRC disciplinary sanctions include but are not limited to the following:
- Warning. Notice to a student either verbally or in writing that the student has been in violation of community standards. Such warnings will include the statement that continuation or repetition of the specific conduct involved, or other misconduct will normally result in one of the more serious disciplinary actions, including eviction, described below.
- Reprimand. Formal action censuring a student for violation of the community standards. Reprimands shall be made in writing to the student by the officer of agency acting, with copies filed in the SRC office. A reprimand will include the statement that continuation or repetition of the specific conduct involved or other misconduct will normally result in one of the more serious disciplinary actions described below.
- Restitution. An individual student may be required to make restitution for damage or loss to college or other property and for injury to persons.
- Formal sanction. An assignment the student must accomplish. Assignments may include but are not limited to a letter of apology, quiz, and/or an assignment. Formal sanctions are intended as opportunities for the resident to gain additional information or engage in additional reflection related to the policy violation.
- Eviction. Eviction from the SRC means that you lose all visiting privileges to the SRC and will not be allowed anywhere on SRC property. Student will be given a written notice of eviction from the SRC and the deadline to vacate their room.
- In the event illegal drugs, other controlled substances, and/or paraphernalia
are found in the room, and/or in the possession of the student, or their guest, the
student may be evicted from the SRC and may given one (1) hour to leave the premises.
- 3.7.4 All appeals contesting recommendations for the disciplinary action(s) must be
made in writing to the Director of Auxiliary Services within ten calendar days after
the student has been notified of the action from which he/she has a right of appeal.
Upon reviewing the appeal, the Housing Committee shall consider all the evidence
and make a final decision.
- 3.7.5 SRC disciplinary procedures and sanctions does not preclude the enforcement of any other college policies.
- 3.8.1 The use of any sports equipment, such as bicycles, scooters, skates, skateboards,
balls, or Frisbees is prohibited within the SRC buildings including hallways, lobbies,
stairs, public areas, and posted areas.
- 3.8.2 SRC equipment, supplies and furnishings must not be dismantled or removed from
their designated area. Charges will be assessed for misuse, removal, damage, or theft.
- 3.8.3 Displaying lewd, indecent, or obscene material such as pornographic images or video on SRC electronic devices is prohibited.
- 3.9.1 Unauthorized entry to, or use of, institutional facilities, including buildings
and grounds, is prohibited. Use of YVC SRC facilities, equipment, and services is
limited to the residents, their escorted guests, and other persons specifically authorized
by the Housing Office.
- 3.9.2 The presence of any person designated as persona non-grata, defined as someone
unwelcome or unapproved by the Housing Office staff to be in the SRC, constitutes
a trespass. Those trespassing on the premises on the college SRC may be arrested under
the ordinances of the City of Yakima.
- 3.9.3 Residents are not allowed on roofs, allowed to climb up the sides of buildings,
or to be on the outside ledges of the buildings. Nothing is to be placed, stored,
or exhibited on the outside ledges of the buildings. Windows are to remain in their
tracks. Residents are not allowed to extend any part of their body outside the window.
Removal of any window is prohibited. Nothing is to be thrown, dropped, or spilled
from the roofs, ledges, or windows. Residents may not jump from or climb onto the
balconies within the SRC.
- 3.9.4 Entering administrative offices, study lounges, conference rooms, desk areas,
dorm rooms, or other non-public areas when closed or vacant is not permitted. The
custodial work shop and storage spaces are off-limits to SRC residents and guests.
Violations of this policy may result in immediate eviction from the SRC.
- 3.9.5 Posting of unapproved signs or erecting antennas or any other objects on the
interior or exterior of buildings is prohibited.
- 3.9.6 Authorized personnel (campus security, facility operations staff, housing staff,
and college management) may enter any room for the purpose of routine inspection,
repairs, maintenance, cleaning, in response to emergencies, or any other official
business, and for reasons of health and safety, and when authorized personnel have
reasonable grounds for believing established rules, policies, and community standards
are being violated, even in the absence of the occupant. Examples of community standards
include, but are not limited to, noise, odor, alcohol, and drug complaints. Staff
may enter into a resident’s room if the resident is not present to eliminate disruptive
noise (examples: beeping alarm clocks, smoke detectors) which may violate an individuals
right to sleep or study.
- 3.9.7 Custodial staff will clean the bathrooms on a routine basis. Restrooms, showers,
and kitchens may not be used while being serviced by custodial and maintenance staff.
- 3.9.8 Residents may only enter or use same-gender bathroom facilities. All gender
restrooms are available in the SRC.
- 3.9.9 Participation in any kind of sport or physically active games (excluding recreation
room games such as pool or ping pong for SRC residents and hosted guests) inside the
SRC is prohibited. Additionally, sports or games outside the SRC on college property
which present undue noise are not permitted.
- 3.9.10 Kitchen and lounge facilities are provided for resident use and convenience.
Residents are required to clean after themselves. This includes the following:
- Wash and remove all personal items including dishes and utensils from the kitchen. Items left in kitchen and lounge facilities more than 24 hours will be disposed of.
- Clean counters, tables, and appliances after use.
- Cover food when placed in the microwave.
- Use caution when cooking (for example: do not leave food unattended).
- Use only your food in the refrigerator. Write the date on food items. Expired items left in the refrigerator will be discarded.
- Turn appliances off after use. See fines & fees under Appendix: Housing Payments and Fees.
- 3.9.11 Frying any kind of food on any stove top is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to meats, vegetables, eggs, oil, and/or butter. See fire safety.
- 3.9.12 Refrigerators (fridges), deep freezers, and/or fridges with freezers larger than 36 inches in height and/or three cubic feet are prohibited.
- 3.9.13 Fridges rented from the SRC are rented on a quarterly or yearly basis. No refunds will be given if the resident moves out before their quarter or year finishes. Fridges rented from the SRC are to be returned, defrosted, and wiped down once the resident moves out. They are not to be offered to existing residents.
- 3.10.1 Fire drills will be held periodically to ensure that residents are aware of
the alarm and the emergency building evacuation plan. The building evacuation plan
is posted on every floor and should be reviewed by each person. Every alarm must
be treated as an emergency and all persons must evacuate the building immediately.
- 3.10.2 Possession, displaying or burning of flammable materials including, but not
limited to, fireworks, candles, incense, gasoline, and kerosene lamps is hazardous
to the health and safety of residents and is prohibited inside the SRC. Barbecues
must be conducted at a minimum, at least twenty-five feet away from buildings which
is available in the Hopf hall courtyard.
- 3.10.3 No fuel-powered motor vehicles or associated parts are permitted within the
SRC for use, maintenance, repair, or storage.
- 3.10.4 All appliances or electrical devices are required to be compatible with 110
volts 60 cycle voltage and UL approved. Extension cords, multi-plug adapters, and
the “piggy-backing” (plugging one power strip into another power strip) of power strips
are prohibited.
- 3.10.5 Kitchen appliances (stove, oven, and microwave) should be attended while cooking
and turned off when finished.
- 3.10.6 Surge protected multi-plug adapters/power strips are allowed if they have a
power switch. When adapter/power strips are used, circuit breakers and/or reset buttons
are required. Manufactured cords of various lengths may be used in lieu of extension
- 3.10.7 Space heaters are prohibited.
- 3.10.8 Decorative lighting (string lights) cannot be plugged into each other. Only
One set of decorative lights shall be plugged into one approved circuited power strip
or wall socket.
- 3.10.9 Halogen lamps are prohibited.
- 3.10.10 Smoke detectors, ceiling lights, lamps of any type, and air conditioning/heating
units cannot be covered. Lava and disco lamps are prohibited.
- 3.10.11 A fine up to $350 and immediate eviction can be imposed for any of the following:
- Failure to evacuate.
- Re-entering the building, after a fire alarm or emergency evacuation, prior to receiving permission (“all clear”) from authorized personnel.
- Activating false alarms in SRC.
- Propping open fire doors.
- Creating a fire hazard.
- Malicious burning.
- Tampering with fire equipment (fire extinguishers, plastic ties securing
valves, fire alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, fire hose connections, sprinkler
heads, sprinkler pipes, hoses, connections, valves, emergency exit signs, etc.).
- 3.10.12 Fire and life safety inspections will be conducted periodically for fire or
health hazards. Additionally, periodic inspections can also occur depending if SRC
staff has been notified of a health and/or safety concern. Residents will be given
at least 24 hour-notice and must grant access for these inspections. A $25 fine per
violation can be imposed for not abiding by the received citation or verbal instructions
of the inspector or college staff regarding the correction of fire or health hazards
and violations. Residents must resolve fire or health hazard issues in a timely manner,
as indicated by SRC staff.
- 3.10.13 Items prohibited in the SRC:
- Anything with an open flame, or appliances that produce smoke that would set off smoke sensors.
- Candles of any type.
- Evidence of candles, burning of incense, sage, or any object, and smoking of any type within the building.
- Hanging of any items over or covering the smoke detector.
- Multi-plug adapters.
- Extension cords.
- Hot plates.
- Induction cooktops, or fryers of any kind (including air fryers, grills,
toaster ovens, electric skillets).
- 3.10.14 In the event of a fire, it is important to consider these procedures: If you discover or suspect a fire, pull a fire alarm and leave the building by the closest, safe exit.
- Feel the door with the back of your hand to ensure that it is not hot before opening it. If it’s hot, don’t open it. If it isn’t hot, open the door carefully. If smoke or heat is present, close the door and stay in the room. Seal the cracks around the door with whatever is available (a wet towel, etc.). Call “911” and report that you are trapped. Be sure to give them your room number, address and location. If your phone doesn’t work, hang a sheet, jacket, etc. out of the window to attract attention.
- If the hall is free of smoke or heat, close your door and exit immediately by the closest stairwell. If the nearest exit is blocked, go to another exit.
- If all exits are blocked, go back to your room. Close the door, hang something out of your window and signal for help.
- Move quickly in a crouched position when escaping through a smoke-filled corridor. Place a wet cloth over your face and head.
- Once outside the building, move away from the building about 1.5 times the building height, avoid standing beneath overhead electrical lines, and watch for vehicle traffic. When you reach the evacuation location, contact a staff member and give him/her as much information as possible.
- Do not reenter the building until you have been given the OK by police, fire officials or residence hall staff. THE SILENCING OF THE ALARM DOES NOT INDICATE THE BUILDING IS SAFE TO REENTER! Never re-enter a burning building to save your personal possessions.
- 3.10.15 Evacuation Locations
- Whenever the building must be evacuated (bomb threat, fire alarm), residents should be directed to the following location:
- If safe, Hopf Hall residents assemble north of the SRC office on the Technology Complex side. If safe, Lyon Hall residents assemble on the west side of the Lyon Hall in the J/K parking lot. Do not leave the area until directed to do so. Stay away from vehicle traffic. And/or where authorities may direct individuals.
- Mobility and hearing-impaired students
Please notify fire/police/YVC maintenance or security of the location of permanent or temporary mobility or hearing-impaired students. In case of fire, the Yakima Fire and Rescue will prioritize your location for rescue considerations. The Student Residence Center staff can assist persons with a disability in developing an evacuation plan. - Fire Aisles and Exits
The Yakima Fire Department requires that all exit aisles, hallways, and stairs be kept clear of any obstruction. Items left in these areas will be subject to impound by staff.
- 3.10.16 Phone Numbers:
- Emergency: 911
- YVC Campus Security: 509.574.4610
- Yakima Fire Department: 509.575.2103
- Yakima Police Department: 509.575.6200
- 3.11.1 It is a privilege to be a guest.
- 3.11.2 Residents are responsible and accountable for the conduct of their guests while
on SRC property or immediately adjacent areas, or at SRC-sponsored or supervised activities.
It is the responsibility of each resident host to see that their guests abide by
the community standards and the YVC code of conduct while in the SRC. Violation of
the community standards or violation of the college student code of conduct by the
guest may be cause for immediate removal, the guest may no longer be allowed to visit
the SRC and the resident may lose privileges as well. This is true when guests are
there by the resident’s and roommate’s (if applicable) explicit invitation and also
when the guests are present with the resident’s consent.
- 3.11.3 Guests are welcome in the lounge and residents’ rooms between the hours of
8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. with accompanied resident.
- 3.11.4 Residents wishing to accommodate overnight guests may do so, provided they
have the permission of their roommate and have checked guests in with the SRC staff
by 10:30 p.m. There is a two guest per resident limitation. Guests are not permitted
to stay more than two nights out of a consecutive seven nights with a host.
- 3.11.5 Guests must be accompanied by a resident at all times in SRC areas which include
but are not limited to dorm rooms, recreation rooms, TV rooms, laundry rooms, and
kitchens. Exceptions include when the host or resident is in the restroom. Guests
must be escorted to and from student rooms by their host. Any exceptions must be
preapproved by the Director of Auxiliary Services.
- 3.11.6 The cost of repairing any damage to college property caused by guests of a
resident will be charged to the resident.
- 3.11.7 Guests may only enter or use their same-gender bathroom facilities. All gender
restrooms are available in the SRC.
- 3.11.8 Guest privileges will be limited during YVC’s scheduled breaks, holidays, or
other days as decided by SRC management.
- 3.11.9 The Housing Office reserves the right to deny access to any guest whose behavior
is deemed inappropriate or disruptive. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior towards
SRC staff, residents, or any other member of this community, is grounds for permanent
guest expulsion.
- 3.11.10 Residents may not host anyone who is known to be persona non grata. Persona
non grata is defined as someone unwelcome or unapproved to be in the SRC or served
a Notice of Exclusion from Yakima Valley College Property (Notice Against Trespass).
Authorized YVC personnel have the authority to serve a Notice of Exclusion from Yakima
Valley College Property (Notice Against Trespass) to individuals at the SRC.
- 3.11.11 Minors (guests under 18 years of age) are not permitted in the SRC unless
accompanied by the guests’ parent or legal guardian.
- 3.11.12 Guests must respect quiet hours in the Hopf Hall and the 24/7 quiet hours
in Lyon Hall and in both halls during finals week or they will be removed immediately.
- 3.11.13 All guests must leave the facility at the end of established visitation hours
which is 11:00 p.m. Visitation hours cease at the start of established quiet hours.
- 3.11.14 Residents may not sublease their room under any condition.
- 3.11.15 Hopf Hall residents visiting the Lyon Hall must be accompanied by a Lyon Hall resident and vice versa.
- 3.12.1 Wireless (Wi-Fi)/Network Internet may be temporarily interrupted during outages
(i.e. network updates and power outages).
- 3.12.2 Wi-Fi may be delayed during high volume bandwidth usage.
- 3.12.3 Wi-Fi is used by YVC residents all non-YVC students must provide their own personal Wi-Fi.
- 3.13.1 YVC is not responsible for the continuation of mail, custodial, heating, maintenance, technology (i.e. web and network access), or security service at normal levels in the event of a natural disaster, strike, or lockout of public employees or supplier’s employees, power-water-sewer interruptions from on-campus or off-campus sources, or in the event of other causal events beyond the control or reasonable anticipation of college housing.
- 3.14.1 All SRC keys, key cards, and key fobs remain the property of the college and
may not be duplicated.
- All residents will be issued keys at check-in.
- All residents must return keys to SRC at check-out.
- 3.14.2 Residents are not allowed to loan, sell, borrow, or transfer a college key,
SRC key, or key fob to any person.
- 3.14.3 Residents must report lost or stolen keys immediately to the Program Assistant
or Housing Office.
- 3.14.4 All assigned keys and key fobs must be returned within seven days of being
lost or the termination of residence or a fee, listed below in the Appendix: Housing
Payments and Fees section, will be assessed to the resident’s college account or withheld
from security/damage deposit.
- 3.14.5 Any violation of this key policy constitutes misuse of college property and
is a violation of the college conduct code.
- 3.14.6 If a resident is locked out of the room, they can request lock out service. A resident may request lock out service up to three times during an academic quarter before a $50 lock out charge is assessed per each additional lockout.
- 3.15.1 Laundry facilities are for residents and their personal laundry use only. Residents
are required to remove all clothing promptly from machines at the end of each cycle.
- 3.15.2 YVC-SRC does not guarantee 24/7 laundry services and is not responsible for
loss of clothing articles, or laundering supplies, left unattended in laundry rooms.
- 3.15.3 Services may be temporarily interrupted during outages or other issues (i.e. card, network, hardware). During interruptions or outages at the SRC, residents requiring immediate or urgent laundry services may need to find alternate laundry service options.
- 3.16.1 YVC is not liable for loss or damage to personal property in resident rooms,
public areas, laundry rooms or storage rooms.
- 3.16.2 It is the residents’ responsibility to keep their rooms locked at all times. Residents may be covered by their family’s personal property insurance or may wish to carry a private insurance to cover their property against loss.
- 3.17.1 Lost and found items will be sent to campus security.
- 3.18.1 Each resident will be assigned an SRC mailbox. All mail received through the
Housing Office will be placed in the residents assigned mailbox. All mail and packages
need to be clearly addressed to the resident using first and last name for proper
delivery. Mail not clearly marked for a resident at the SRC will be marked undeliverable
and returned to the sender.
- 3.18.2 Residents are required to check their mailboxes daily.
- 3.18.3 SRC mail service is an extension of the U.S. Postal Service and therefore,
follows federal guidelines including prohibition of mail fraud, etc. Violations of
U.S. postal regulations will be turned over to the U.S. Postal Service and will be
subject to college disciplinary procedures.
- 3.18.4 Mail service, delivery, and forwarding may be temporarily interrupted during
staff breaks, summer vacation, vacation, and/or leave.
- 3.18.5 Residents seeking immediate or urgent mail items must communicate with carriers for delivery options, dates, and times and when the resident is available to receive the mail items.
- 3.19.1 Pets are not allowed in the residence halls at any time.
- 3.19.2 The SRC does accommodate service animals and accommodation/emotional support animals. For your accommodation/emotional support animal to reside with you at the SRC you need approval from Disability Support Services (509.574.4961) and a signed YVC SRC Expectations Regarding Possession of an Accommodation/Emotional Support Animal for On-Campus College Housing form and YVC Housing Accommodation Verification form.
- 3.20.1 Residents agree to uphold reasonable care of their room and its furnishings,
and to maintain sanitary and safe conditions acceptable to YVC Housing. To prevent
custodial charges, residents are responsible for the removal of their own trash to
a centralized trash collection area (dumpster). Trash placed in bathrooms, laundry
rooms, hallways, etc. is prohibited and is subject to a $25 cleaning charge per violation.
- 3.20.2 Moving of bed frames and removal of any bed is prohibited. Only bunk beds
may be stacked.
- 3.20.3 Personal beds, waterbeds, mattresses, and mattress toppers are prohibited.
All furniture must be kept in the room to which it is assigned. Residents are responsible
to restore the room to its original condition and configuration prior to check-out.
This requires that all components, equipment and furnishings, are in the room and
assembled. Residents are financially responsible for any damage, loss, or uncleanliness
to their room and furnishings other than normal wear and tear. Any costs to return
the room to its original condition will be charged to the resident.
- 3.20.4 Residents agree to pay for any damages to the SRC willfully or negligently
caused by the resident or the resident’s guests. Residents are responsible for paying
for damages to the building and for damaged or missing furniture, equipment, and room
contents. Residents are collectively responsible for any damages that occur within
common areas. If damage in common areas within a hall cannot be traced to a specific
individual or group but was in substantial part caused by individuals, groups or guests
acting from within the SRC the residents of that hall may be charged collectively.
- 3.20.5 Residents are not permitted to contract for painting, repairs, or lighting/electrical
changes; SRC office will facilitate all repairs/changes. Residents are required to
notify the Housing Office immediately of any needed repair to their room, bathroom
or common areas.
- 3.20.6 The use of any tape, including masking tape, duct tape, decals, nails, screws, or by other means that causes damage to place signs, posters, etc. on walls or furniture is not permitted. Residents may use a removable putty type adhesive and command strips. Residents must not post anything on their room door. All signs, posters, and whiteboards must be placed on a wall immediately next to room door. Running wires, cords, cables, etc. from one room to another is not permitted.
- 3.21.1 Security is a shared responsibility between residents, the college and college
staff members. Residents are encouraged to take all reasonable steps to ensure their
personal safety and security. Students who jeopardize the safety or security of other
residents, by propping open or disabling exterior doors, or letting unauthorized individuals
into the building (intentionally or carelessly), may face disciplinary action. SRC
staff works with Campus Security and residents to identify and resolve security problems.
Students’ safety and security starts with them. Crime prevention strategies are
learned behaviors. We urge students to practice safer behaviors as soon as they move-into
the SRC. SRC staff do not guarantee 24/7 service.
- 3.21.2 Student Residents are Expected to:
- Lock room doors at night, when asleep, or whenever out of the room.
- Refrain from propping open building doors.
- Refrain from allowing strangers into SRC.
- Travel with others when leaving the housing facility at night.
- Report suspicious activity or people.
- Report crimes immediately.
- Report lost keys and key fobs immediately so room lock changes can be made if necessary.
- Always ask who the person is and look out of the one-way peephole before answering the door.
- Take appropriate steps to secure personal property such as bikes, cars, jewelry, cash, or electronic equipment.
- Remove opportunities for crime by being informed, alert, and conscientious
community members.
- 3.21.3 SRC and Campus Security provides:
- Electronic key fob access to main entrance.
- Surveillance (CCTV) cameras.
- Secure doors that lock to all rooms and halls.
- One-way peepholes in each resident room door.
- Security through Campus Security office.
- Patrols inside and outside SRC on routine basis.
- Escort to and from vehicle and class during limited evening hours (upon availability).
- SRC staff during daytime and evening hours.
- 3.21.4 Remember that some ways to say “no” to unaccompanied/unescorted persons when
they want to be allowed access to the hall:
- Be firm.
- Point the person in the direction of the Housing Office or Program Assistant Desk.
- If you see someone suspicious, do not be confrontational, instead call Campus Security or Housing staff.
- If you experience difficulties with a stranger tell the Housing Office, Program Assistant or Campus Security.
- 3.21.5 In case of an emergency, immediately call 911, and then contact campus security
at the following:
- 3.21.6 Main Phone: 509.574.4610.
- 3.21.7 Location: Campus Operations, 1211 W. Prasch, Yakima, WA 98902.
- 3.22.1 All Residence halls are designated as non-smoking facilities. Smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of the building.
- 3.22.2 The use of tobacco products is prohibited at Yakima Valley College except in
designated areas. In accordance with the Washington Clean Indoor Air Act of 1985
(RCW 70.160) and in recognition of the Executive Order Establishing Governor’s Policy
on Smoking in State Facilities (EO 88-06), and in recognition that tobacco use creates
a danger to public health, it shall be the practice of Yakima Valley College to limit
the use of tobacco products on its campuses as follows:
- Prohibited in college facilities or college vehicles.
- Permitted in designated areas only.
- “Smoking” shall include any cigarette, electronic cigarette or similar product. “Tobacco” shall include products such as chewing tobacco or the smoking or carrying of any kind of lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette.
- 3.23.1 The SRC does not provide storage.
- 3.24.1 Theft or conversion of college property or private property is prohibited. Theft violations are a cause for disciplinary actions including immediate eviction from the SRC.
4.0 - Terms and Conditions
- 4.1.1 In case of errors or questions, a debtor may challenge a charge within 30 days after the first bill on which the suspected error or problem appeared by directing his or her inquiry to the office initiating the charge. If an error has occurred, charges will be adjusted. Residents have the right to appeal charges made to their account. Appeals must be filed in writing with the Director of Auxiliary Services within ten working days of the billing for these charges and/or fees. Appeals are first heard by the Director of Auxiliary Services and then, if further appeal is desired, by the Vice President for Administrative Services. Decisions of the Vice President for Administrative Services are final.
- 4.2.1 Residents are responsible for completing and submitting Check-Out Agreement.
- 4.2.2 Residents are responsible for keeping the Housing Office informed of a current
mailing address until all liabilities and claims have been satisfactorily met. This
includes notifying the Housing Office of your check-out dates using the Notice of
Check Out/Contract Cancellation form.
- 4.2.3 For the applicant who does not check-in, deposit refund will be based on the
cancellation date and the postmark date of a written cancellation request submitted
to the Housing Office.
- 4.2.4 For the applicant who checks-in and then checks out or for the applicant that
checks out without any notification to the SRC, the prorated adjustment of the quarterly
room rate is based upon the date check-out is completed or determined complete (example:
resident leaves without notification), personal belongings have been removed, room
has been cleaned, and SRC keys have been returned.
- 4.2.5 Failure to adhere to cancellation and check-out procedures may result in forfeiture
of the remaining deposit and being charged full room charges on a prorated basis until
all check-out procedures are completed. To avoid additional charges when checking
out, whether vacating the SRC or simply transferring to another room, residents agree
to do the following:
- Notify the Housing Office at least 24 hours prior to checking out of SRC.
- Follow the check-out agreement provided by the Housing Office.
- Remove personal belongings and return all SRC keys/key fob to the Housing Office.
- If your belongings are not removed at check-out, the SRC will attempt to contact you to plan to remove belongings within 72 hours.
- If the room and/or belongings are deemed unsafe, unsanitary, and/or a potential threat to others items will be discarded promptly and not stored.
- Refund Timeframe: Allow 60 days for a refund to process.
- 4.3.1 Residents are responsible for viewing the daily SRC communication sent to TV monitors, mailboxes, posters, e-mails, etc.
- 4.4.1 This contract is not valid unless it has been offered through the YVC Housing Office application process. It will be declared null and void should such an unapproved contract be attempted. Contracts are non-transferable.
- 4.5.1 Standard monthly rates are applied to residents occupying a room during breaks.
Student will pay the entire month even if they are on break (between fall and winter
and between winter and spring).
- 4.5.2 Residents must adhere to the SRC contract and established community standards during breaks.
- 4.6.1 Noncompliance with the community standards and the Terms and Conditions may result in disciplinary action under the YVC Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, applicable financial obligations, and/or eviction from the SRC.
- 4.6.2 This contract may be terminated, changed, modified, or amended by YVC Housing
for any of the following reasons:
- When behavior and/or financial delinquencies require unreasonable attention from staff members, roommates, or community members.
- When activities endanger your health, safety or welfare; or the health, safety, or welfare of other residents.
- When gross and/or disruptive behavior is present.
- When student status at the college ceases.
- When college rules and/or community standards and the Terms and Conditions of the contract have been breached or violated.
- When there is a violation of the SRC community agreement, the college Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, or abuse of the facilities. Violators will also be subject to disciplinary action, prosecution, legal and/or replacement fees as deemed appropriate by college officials. Residents may also be subject to disciplinary action due to the misconduct of their guests.
- The Housing Office reserves the right to move a student to another room or hall or remove the student from the SRC if it is in the best interest of the student or other students of the college.
- 4.7.1 Concurrent to, or separate from, any disciplinary proceedings, the Director of Auxiliary Services, or designee, may deny or revoke housing privileges to any student found in violation of the provisions of this contract; this includes moving students to other rooms or halls.
- 4.8.1 To be eligible to live in the SRC, you must maintain at least seven college credits
during the academic year and at least five college credits during the summer in an
SRC approved program of study. You may be asked periodically to show proof of college
attendance. Failure to maintain the minimum college credits may result in dismissal
from the residence hall. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Auxiliary
Services in advance.
- 4.8.2 Submission of the SRC Housing Contract document does not guarantee that you will be
assigned a room in the YVC residence hall. Prospective student applications will
be reviewed after the entire application and $350 security/damage deposit are received.
- 4.8.3 There are no on-campus housing facilities for married couples or unmarried couples.
- 4.8.4 There are no on-campus housing facilities for families.
- 4.8.5 Students who have a history of conduct that is not conducive to group living and a
positive learning environment or have had a delinquent account or history of financial
delinquencies for housing related charges may be denied admission to the SRC.
- 4.8.6 All appeals contesting recommendations to return to the SRC for previous conduct and/or
financial issues must be made in writing to the Housing Committee. Upon reviewing
the appeal, the Housing Committee shall consider all the evidence and make a final
- 4.8.7 A qualified student for whom space is not available will be placed on a waiting list
and notified of their status.
- 4.8.8 Registered Sex Offenders (Levels I, II, III) are not eligible to live in the SRC.
- 4.8.9 YVC is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in all its operations and facilities.
Assignments to residence halls are not based upon race, disability, creed, color,
national origin, age, religion or sexual orientation.
- 4.8.10 Residents must complete a housing orientation to maintain residency at the SRC.
- 4.8.11 If a prospective student resident reapplies and is denied, they can reapply one calendar year from their denial letter. Applying or contract, in the future, does not guarantee a space at the SRC and the college as the authority to accept or deny requests.
- 4.9.1 Eviction from the SRC means that you lose all visiting privileges to the SRC
and will not be allowed anywhere on SRC property, which includes the residence halls,
office, recreation room, lounges, and the adjacent area all the way to the street.
Violation could result in criminal charges of Criminal Trespass with the Yakima Police
- 4.9.2 It is clearly understood that residency at the Student Residence Center is merely
incidental to the provisions of educational services and that this agreement is not
subject to provisions of Chapter 59, 18 RCW Washington State Resident Landlord Tenant
Act. The college has the expressed authority to accept or deny a housing contract.
- 4.9.3 If a resident is evicted for nonpayment of room charges, or student conduct,
the cancellation of contract provision shall apply. This includes room charges on
a pro-rata basis for the days in which the room was occupied for that month plus forfeiture
of the remaining deposit. Subsequent academic registration may be blocked for not
paying these charges.
- 4.9.4 If evicted, you must vacate the facility within the time specified by the designated
YVC staff. Failure to vacate the SRC could result in your arrest for Criminal Trespass
in accordance with RCW 9A.52.070 and 9A.52.080.
- 4.9.5 Belongings should be removed within 72 hours from the time YVC staff indicated
unless otherwise indicated by YVC staff.
- 4.9.6 If evicted, it is not the responsibility of the SRC, or the college to find
and secure housing for you. That is your responsibility. During the remaining time
you are in the SRC, you will be expected to continue to abide by and follow all policies
and procedures of YVC, the SRC and local, state and federal laws. Should you choose
to violate any policy or law while in residence, you will be evicted from the facility
- 4.9.7 If YVC staff do not indicate a removal timeline at the time of eviction, they
will attempt to contact the evicted individual and give 72 hours to remove the belongings.
- 4.9.8 You will be held responsible for any related storage fees. If the room and/or
belongings are deemed unsafe, unsanitary, and/or a potential threat to others then
items will be discarded promptly and not stored.
- 4.9.9 If evicted, you must wait one calendar year before reapplying. Applying or contract, in the future, does not guarantee a space at the SRC and the college as the authority to accept or deny requests.
- 4.10.1 Exceptions to the contract may be requested by petition. Petitions are reviewed on an individual basis based on personal circumstances. Exceptions granted for one provision of this contract shall not be construed as waivers of any other provisions. The final determination of such petitions is at the discretion of the Director of Auxiliary Services.
- 4.11.1 Arrival Dates: The SRC office will establish and communicate check in dates
and times before the first day of classes. You will be assessed a pro-rated daily
amount for the days that you check-in prior to the 1st day of a quarter. Any charges
applied before the first day of a quarter will be applied to the previous quarter
- 4.11.2 Pre-contract Arrivals: If an applicant is required by a college department to arrive before scheduled check-in dates, the applicant must seek approval from the Director of Auxiliary Services in advance. Applicants seeking exceptions must submit supporting documentation with enough time for the Housing Committee to review the request. Pre-contract arrival charges are based on prorated room rates.
- 4.12.1 Quarter Room Assignments: Quarter assignments are made based on the date of
the application, responses given on the application, housing contract, and the date
the $350 deposit was received. While we make every effort to do so, the Housing Office
cannot guarantee we will be able to meet all requests or guarantee room preference
or compatible roommates. Behavior that deviates from information provided in the
application may be grounds for relocation within the SRC to a community that better
suits the residents’ lifestyle. Roommate requests will be accommodated based on space
availability and if both residents are of the same gender.
- 4.12.2 Administrative Assignments: The Housing Office reserves the right to make or
change room assignments at any time based on administrative needs. This includes,
but is not limited to, consolidation of space and/or sanctions as a result of conduct
or contract violations.
- 4.12.3 Temporary Assignments: Applicants may be assigned a temporary room until their
permanent room is available. When the permanent room becomes available, residents
agree to complete the room transfer within 48 hours of notification.
- 4.12.4 It is important that when making the choice to live on campus, in a communal living environment, there is the possibility of being exposed to contagious illnesses. This includes roommates you have chosen personally and those you have not.
- 4.13.1 If one’s roommate fails to occupy the room or moves out, the remaining student
has the responsibility of:
- Finding another student willing to move into the vacated space,
- Accepting a single room contract for the remainder of the quarter, on a space available basis, and pay the additional single room fee.
- Moving to another room with or without a new roommate depending on availability.
- If, after paying for a single room, another roommate is assigned to the room, the prorated balance of the single room charge will be refunded.
- Updated room charges will be made based on the date the roommate was scheduled to check-in and fails to occupy the room or the roommate moves out.
- Contacting the SRC to assist in discovering if another roommate is available.
- 4.13.2 The YVC SRC reserves the right to administratively assign a person to any vacancy at any time.
- 4.14.1 Reference the housing contract within housing application (not included in YVC Student Residence Center Housing Manual).
5.0: Appendix: Housing Payments and Fees
5.1.1 The SRC has no control over the academic calendar and when the quarters start or end. The Daily, Monthly, and Quarterly Payment Options, listed below, show quarterly charges, which are entered in the YVC system quarterly. Housing contract start dates correspond with YVC quarter start dates. The end date of the quarter is the day before the next YVC quarter starts.
5.1.2 Quarterly charges include the first day of classes of one quarter until the day before the next quarter begins.
Check-out dates, for residents wishing to leave in between quarters, are scheduled the Friday before YVC finals through the Saturday after YVC finals each quarter. Pro-rated check-in and check-out amounts will be determined using daily, monthly, and/or quarterly pro-rated charges.
A green sheet is placed in your mailbox every month regardless of the amount you owe. For example, you may have a balance and owe or you are paid in full with a zero balance. It’s your responsibility to check the bill, placed in your mailbox each month, for any amounts owed to the Student Residence Center. You must pay the bill in full every month and on time. The rent is due on the 1st of every month. If you have any questions about that bill you need to talk with SRC staff before rent is due.
5.3.1 You are responsible to check your mailbox every day as a resident of the SRC. It is your responsibility, if necessary, to notify any persons, organizations, or agencies of any balances indicated on your green sheet before due dates.
5.4.1 Daily and Monthly Payments
Room size |
Shared (per person) |
Small |
Large |
Payment Due Date |
Daily Rate |
$11.50 |
$12.50 |
$13.50 |
1st day of the month |
Monthly Rate |
$350.00 |
$375.00 |
$400.00 |
1st day of the month |
5.4.1 Daily and Monthly Payments
Quarter |
Start date: First day of classes |
End date: Day before the next quarter |
Shared (Per Person) |
Small |
Large |
Summer |
6/24/2024 |
9/22/2024 |
$958.00 |
$1,025.00 |
$1,092.00 |
Fall |
9/23/2024 |
1/5/2025 |
$1,199.50 |
$1,287.50 |
$1,375.50 |
Winter |
1/6/2025 |
3/31/2025 |
$992.50 |
$1,062.50 |
$1,132.50 |
Spring |
4/1/2025 |
6/22/2025 |
$958.00 |
$1,025.00 |
$1,092.00 |
Total |
- |
- |
$4,108.00 |
$4,400.00 |
$4,692.00 |
5.5.1 Fees must be paid by the first of the following month unless otherwise specified. Fee schedules are not considered binding between Yakima Valley College (YVC) and students. The YVC Board of Trustees, college, and its divisions reserve the right to make changes. Changes shall take effect whenever the proper authorities determine. Except as other conditions permit, the college will make every reasonable effort to ensure students currently enrolled receive advance notice of changes.
5.6.1 Charges are placed on the student account for the entire quarter. Financial aid will be paid against the total amount owing on the account. The amount and disbursement date of financial aid funds will vary with each student resident. Financial Aid is not removed, adjusted, or refunded by SRC or Business Office. Generally, financial aid goes to tuition first and then other departments and fees within the college. Financial aid will apply to the corresponding quarter in which the resident resides at the SRC.
Number |
Item or Equipment |
Cost |
5.7.1 |
Broken window |
Cost to repair |
5.7.2 |
Damage to building, room or contents |
Cost of repair |
5.7.3 |
Damage to furniture or equipment |
$50 per item or current replacement |
5.7.4 |
Failure to clean rental refrigerator |
$25 |
5.7.5 |
Failure to clean room upon checking-out |
Cost to clean |
5.7.6 |
Fire safety violation |
$350 |
5.7.7 |
Fire, life, or health safety inspection |
$25 per violation |
5.7.8 |
Improper disposal trash |
$25 per violation |
5.7.9 |
Late fee |
$25 per month |
5.7.10 |
Locked out more than 3 times per qtr. |
$50 each additional lockout |
5.7.11 |
Loss of furniture, equipment or contents |
Current replacement value |
5.7.12 |
Loss of key fob |
$50 |
5.7.13 |
Loss of room or mailbox key |
$25 per key |
5.7.14 |
Mailbox |
Cost to repair |
5.7.15 |
Moving furniture (including beds) or equipment |
$25 per item |
5.7.16 |
Non-administrative room transfer |
$25 |
5.7.17 |
Unauthorized entry to prohibited areas |
$50 plus cost to repair |
5.7.17 |
Walls |
Cost to repair |
- 5.8.1 Upon receipt of your Housing Application and deposit, the Housing Office will
post quarterly, not monthly, room charges to your student account.
5.8.2 Housing fees are prorated depending on move-in and move-out dates. Monthly payments must be made in full for the entire month. - 5.8.3 Monthly payments must be paid in advance and are due on the first day of the
month. Residents who pay after the fifth day of the month are charged an additional
$25.00 late fee which will be assessed starting the sixth day of any unpaid account.
Following a late rent payment, a resident will receive a letter or notice for failure
to pay rent on-time. If a rent payment is not made and the resident receives a Final
Multiple Late and Eviction letter the eviction process will begin.
- 5.8.4 Residents have five days from the date they check-in to pay their SRC rent payment
bill in full. Residents who pay after the fifth day of check-in are charged an additional
$25.00 late fee which will be assessed starting the sixth day of any unpaid account.
If payment is not made, the eviction process will begin.
- 5.8.5 Fines and fees should be paid at the Cashier’s Office.
- 5.8.6 If you believe there is a discrepancy with your fine or fee you may contact
the Housing Office in writing. Please send correspondence to within
(5) days of the date at the top of your late fee letter.
- 5.8.7 It is the resident’s responsibility to be aware of cashiering hours (including holiday and summer hours), payment options, and paying the balance owing on or before due dates.
- 5.9.1 The Housing Office cannot accept payments. Checks and money orders must be made payable to Yakima Valley College. Payments must be paid in advance of due dates.
- 5.9.2 Payment in-person can be made with cash, check, money order, credit, or debit card at the Cashiers Office located in the Deccio Higher Education Building (#8).
- 5.9.3 Payment by mail can be made with check or money order to:
Yakima Valley College (YVC)
Attention: Cashier’s Office
PO Box 22520
Yakima, WA 98907-2520
- 5.9.4 Payment on-line can be made with credit or debit card and is available to YVC students using the secure college website. Housing deposits are not available to pay online.
- 5.10.1 Payments can be paid monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Monthly and Quarterly amounts are listed within the 5.4 Daily, Monthly, and Quarterly Payment Options table.
- 5.11.1 The Housing Office will not hold payment due pending receipt of earnings, income, or financial aid.
- 5.12.1 Residents will pay a prorated amount during check-in and check-in out. Due date will be posted at the bottom of the prorated rent bill.
Failure to satisfy any financial obligations incurred in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract may (together with all attorney’s fees and other costs and charges necessary for the collection of any amount not paid when due) result in actions by the College. Residents with outstanding balances may be sent to collections, receive a block (precluding further registration for classes and receipt of transcripts), and may be evicted.
Questions? Contact Us.
Student Residence Center
Student Residence Center
Building 30, Room 101
1113 S. 14th Ave
Yakima, WA 98902