YVC has boosted my self-confidence. It has shown me the kind of learner I am and helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly it has helped me find my way in life. 


Degree/Certificate & Anticipated Class Year 
Associate in Arts – DTA, Winter 2025 


High School Attended 
Sunnyside High School 

Counseling and Advising 

Extracurriculars (e.g., clubs, YVC sports teams) 
TRIO Student Support Services, Tee Ball Coach, Golfer, Pottery lover 

What three words would you use to describe YVC? 
Amazing, Ambitious, Sincere 

What’s your favorite class? Why? How has it expanded your knowledge? 
I have enjoyed several classes while attending YVC. However, most recently the one on the top of my list is Introduction to Mass Communication (CMST 102). It takes the student on a media literacy journey. The instructor starts the class by explaining the printing press and goes all the way up to present-day social media. I highly recommend it if you're looking to expand your media literacy knowledge. 

Who is your mentor on campus? Why do you consider this person your mentor? 
I feel my mentor on campus has been Tara Curfman [TRIO SSS Coordinator]. She is such a hard worker and makes time for me and all the questions I have regarding my career path and events being held that I would benefit from. I've been blessed to have her in my corner every step of the way. 

What made you interested in studying at YVC? 
I am a father of four boys and was working labor-intensive jobs that paid next to nothing. It felt like I was never going to make enough money to properly support my family. I decided I needed to get back into school so that I could give them a better life. I came to the YVC Grandview Campus and liked the atmosphere around campus. As soon as I walked through the big double doors it was all business. The instructors were all great, and I saw that they had an excellent tutoring program. Esmeralda Cruz [Bilingual Office Assistant] at the front counter was so helpful in answering my questions or pointing me in the direction of getting my question resolved. I felt I needed to be here, and it has benefited me so much ever since that day. 

How did you decide on a major? 
I have always enjoyed helping others find the answers to their problems so counseling and advising just fits my passion. 

What do you like or find most interesting about your major? 
Having that one-on-one interaction with people is what I think is the most interesting part of my major. 

How do you find and build your community on campus? 
Doing work study for the library has helped me build my community on campus. I see several students a day and members of the community. I feel that working there and going to school at YVC has brought me closer to my student peers and the library patrons I interact with. 

What’s your favorite spot on campus? 
On the Grandview Campus I enjoy hanging out in the activity center and the library. 

Are there any barriers that you’ve overcome to be successful at YVC? 
A barrier that I have had to overcome is the passing of my father. It was a tough loss and I wish he could see me now. After he passed, I almost did not make it back to school in the fall of that year. College ended up being the best medicine for my broken heart. Each class presented a challenge that kept my mind busy and now I am getting close to graduating. I know where he is he's smiling down proud of me. 

How has Yakima Valley College changed you? 
YVC has boosted my self-confidence. It has shown me the kind of learner I am and helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly it has helped me find my way in life. 

How do you manage stress? 
I manage stress by working on my pottery projects, going out to golf, or reading a book. 

Do you have a job? How do you work that into your schedule? 
I do work, and a lot of my success comes from my boss and the rest of the staff who are very supportive. Depending on my schedule they tailor it to fit my work schedule, so I do not have conflicts. They do everything they can to make sure I get my hours while not falling behind in school. I could not have asked for a better work environment. 

Are there any support services or resources that you have taken advantage of? How have you found these beneficial? (e.g. tutoring, academic advising, library) 
I use all the resources possible that YVC has to offer students. The Tutoring Center is a great resource and the Computer Lab is [my go-to place] if I need to print things out or have technical questions. The Library and all its staff, go above and beyond to find solutions to any problems I have — if they do not know the answer they point me in the right direction. TRIO also has been a huge supportive program. I cannot thank them and their staff enough for all that they do for us students. 

Did you receive any financial aid or scholarship funding to attend YVC? If so, please describe how this helped you on your journey. 
I do receive some financial aid and applied for several scholarships. If it were not for these types of resources, it would be hard for me to attend college and pursue my career dreams. 

What is your ultimate goal? Where would you like to end up? 
My ultimate goal is to become a counselor or advisor for a learning academy of some sort — be that a public school, college, or wherever else I may be needed. Like everyone, I have had my ups and downs in life and want to show my future students that it does not matter where you start but where you finish in life. So, quitting is not an option and the best versions of us are found when you push your mind to the limits. Seeking higher education is the best plan of action for anyone. 

What advice do you have for prospective students? 
The advice I would give to prospective students is this: You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by jumping into the college scene. Do not let others talk you out of it, and that goes for yourself especially. It does not matter what kind of mistakes you made yesterday, [what matters are] the choices you are going to make tomorrow to better yourself. Make higher education a top priority in your life.