“The Writing Center is such a great space to work on papers and essays in, even if you're just there to bounce ideas off the consultants or other students.”
Preferred Pronouns
Degree/Certificate & Anticipated Class Year
AA DTA 2024
Crown Point, Indiana
What three words would you use to describe YVC?
Accessible, Diverse, Scholarly
What’s your favorite class? Why? How has it expanded your knowledge?
Anthropology with Eric Anderson. Learning about human culture from its very beginning has informed the way I look at culture today.
Who is your mentor on campus? Why do you consider this person your mentor?
There are several professors and faculty who have been more than supportive of me during my time at YVC. My peeps at the Writing Center, [English Instructor] Dodie
Forrest, [Instructional and Classroom Support Tech] Josh Swayne, [Instructional Technician]
Johhny Schofield. As well as [English Instructor] Dan Peters and [Anthropology Instructor]
Eric Anderson.
What made you interested in studying at YVC?
My girlfriend attended YVC a number of years ago and thought it was a great education, so when I decided to go back to school YVC seemed like a great option.
How did you decide on a major?
I love reading and writing, and English is the area where I get to do that the most!
What do you find most interesting about this major?
Critically engaging in texts, setting the ol’ cerebral hamster to run on the wheel
for a little while.
How do you find and build your community on campus?
Through taking Writing Consultant (English 185) and becoming a student consultant
in the Writing Center.
What’s your favorite spot on campus?
The Writing Center
Are there any barriers that you’ve overcome to be successful at YVC?
Just time related ones. While attending class in the mornings and working in the evenings, sometimes it seems like there's not enough time in the day to get the work done. Time management has become a valuable skill in my being successful at YVC.
How has Yakima Valley College changed you?
I used to only like to learn things on my own terms and in my own time. Now I see
the value in structured learning and the educational process.
How do you manage stress?
I sit in my car and listen to hardcore punk music loudly.
Do you have a job? How do you work that into your schedule?
I bartend in the evenings. I take all my classes in the mornings, so they don't get
in the way, then I go off to work in the afternoon and stay up late after closing
to do my schoolwork. Then it's 7 a.m. up and at 'em again the next day.
What do you view as your biggest achievement at YVC?
I am proud of my GPA. And I haven't missed a single day of class in the two years
I've been here.
Are there any support services or resources that you have taken advantage of? (e.g.
tutoring, academic advising, library) How have you found these beneficial?
The Writing Center! It's such a great space to work on papers and essays in, even
if you're just there to bounce ideas off the consultants or other students.
Did you receive any financial aid or scholarship funding to attend YVC? If so, please
describe how this helped you on your journey.
I get a federal Pell Grant that is a huge ease on the tuition I pay. It certainly made the idea of me going
back to school financially viable.
What is your ultimate goal? Where would you like to end up?
I make it a point to not think too far ahead. For now, I would just like to soak in
my time in academia. I do daydream about going on to get a graduate degree but I wouldn't
be able to tell you what yet. I just want to take my time and learn everything I can
along the way.
What advice do you have for prospective students?
Grit your teeth and fake loving to learn. After a while, you actually will.