Yakima Valley College, in collaboration with the Cowiche Canyon Conservancy, will continue its 2023 Winter Talk Series with a presentation on meadowlarks this March. The series explores current issues related to the Yakima Valley region’s environment and ecosystems and features guest lecturers who are subject matter experts in a variety of disciplines. Admission is free and open to the community.

In Search of Meadowlarks: How Farming Practices can Support Bird Life
Presenter: John Marzluff, Professor of Wildlife Science, University of Washington
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 • 7:00 p.m. • Register for this virtual talk

A wildlife scientist and birder, John Marzluff has traveled North America, from California to Costa Rica, to learn how humans and birds co-exist. In this talk Marzluff will share how farming practices and diet choices can support birdlife in the Yakima Valley – such as barn owls, yellowthroats and meadowlarks – as well as larger biodiversity and sustainability goals.

John Marzluff is a professor of wildlife science at the University of Washington. His graduate and initial post-doctoral research focused on the social behavior and ecology of jays and ravens. His current research focuses on the interactions of ravens and wolves in Yellowstone. Marzluff has mentored graduate students and authored over 170 scientific papers on various aspects of bird behavior and wildlife management. He is a member of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Recovery Team for the critically endangered Mariana Crow, a former member of the Washington Biodiversity Council, a Fellow of the American Ornithologist’s Union and a National Geographic Explorer.

For more information contact Suzana Celestine at 509.574.4869 / scelestine@yvcc.edu.