Did you overcome barriers to earn a degree or certificate from Yakima Valley College? Has the education and support you received at YVC helped transform your life?  If so, you could win $500 for sharing your story. The ACT Transforming Lives Awards recognizes current or former students whose lives have been transformed by attending a Washington state community or technical college like YVC. Deadline to apply is November 4, 2022.

How it works
Current students and recent graduates share in 600 words or less how YVC helped them transform their life. YVC’s Board of Trustees reviews applications and selects one individual to represent YVC. The nominee from each community and technical college in Washington state is then submitted to the Association of College Trustees (ACT). The ACT Awards Committee chooses five or six awardees from the pool of nominations to each receive a $500 award  and share their story at the Transforming Lives Awards dinner held during the ACT winter conference in January. In addition to the awardees, all student nominees are invited to the dinner and recognized.

Awards Criteria

Nominees must be:

  • a current student who is making significant progress toward completing a degree or certificate that is helping him or her prepare for success in future endeavors or
  • a former YVC student[within 3 years (2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22) of completing a degree, certificate or transfer]

Application Process
Students interested in being nominated for the award need to submit their short story (600 words or less) that answers the five questions listed below. Information must be emailed to the YVC President’s Office at mjensen@yvcc.edu by November 4. Please make sure to include your name, mailing address and telephone number.

The following questions must be answered in order for the nomination to be eligible for consideration:

  1. What compelled you to attend a community or technical college? And most importantly was there an individual(s) or program at the college you feel contributed to your success?
  2. What was it about that individual(s) or program that made the difference in transforming your life? Please explain.
  3. Were there any barriers or obstacles that originally prevented you from attending a community or technical college?
    1. If so, please identify those barriers or obstacles and tell us what you did to overcome those barriers or obstacles?
  4. What is next for you and what are your goals for your future?
  5. If you could share one piece of advice for other students or for those who are unsure about their ability to attend a community or technical college, what would that be?

For more information about the award or YVC’s nomination process contact the President’s Office at  mjensen@yvcc.edu.