Yakima Valley College is excited to announce the opening of food pantries on both the Yakima and Grandview campuses. Students can pick up pre-packaged bags of groceries, quick meals, snacks and personal care items.

The Yakima Campus Food Pantry is in the Student Life office, Hopf Union Building, #9. The Grandview Campus Food Pantry is located in the Student Life office, Student Activity Center, Building #52.

The food pantries accept non-perishable donations at any time in the drop box located at the Student Life office on each campus. In addition to food items, other items needed for donation are toiletries, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, and household cleaning supplies. Monetary donations also are being accepted to help fund operation of the food pantries and purchase additional food and personal care products.

Photos are available on request. Please contact communityrelations@yvcc.edu.

Photo/Interview Opportunities for Media
Yakima Campus
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Grandview Campus
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.