Yakima Valley College Drama Department has an exciting opportunity to showcase original student and community written work for its annual Festival of New Works — held April 20-22. Students and community members are encouraged to submit their original short plays. Scripts must be no longer than 15 pages in length, with a maximum of five characters. Deadline to submit a script is March 10.

The plays will be performed as staged readings with minimal lighting and sound, and no costume requirements. Email your original script to YVC’s Drama Department for consideration, Ray Pritchard rpritchard@yvcc.edu or Alicia Bickley abickley@yvcc.edu.

“Promoting student work is at the heart of everything we do in our department, and we have discovered over time that one of the best ways to accomplish this goal is through the New Works series,” said Alicia Bickley, director of drama at YVC.

Bickley said the New Works experience gives YVC students and area community members an opportunity to initiate and go through their own processes as playwrights, directors, actors or even as a combination of those things.

“Through writing their own plays and collaborating with student directors and actors, or even community or faculty directors and actors to workshop these plays, students have the unique opportunity to craft a play from the page all the way to the stage,” Bickley said.

Auditions for the submitted plays will take place March 30-April 2, rehearsals will be held April 3-19 and the show opens on April 20.

For more information contact Alicia Bickley at abickley@yvcc.edu or Ray Pritchard at rpritchard@yvcc.edu.