Yakima Valley College Choir announces the release of their virtual performance, Sing Community, Sing Peace. Joined by Bel Canto of Yakima, Yakima Camarata Club, Canticus Vocal Ensemble and Yakima Symphony Chorus and under the direction of Vocal Music Instructor Steven Slusher, Yakima Community Choir worked over the spring and summer to produce their latest video. It shines light on performance venues such as Yakima Valley College, St. Paul Cathedral, The Seasons, The Capitol Theatre and the city of Yakima.

“Participating in this video has given YVC Choir students the opportunity to meet singers in the community,” said Slusher. “They are now aware of multiple choirs in the Yakima area they can continue to sing in when their time at YVC is through.”

Slusher said building community through outreach and performance is crucial to the success of YVC’s programs and music in Yakima generally.

“Building community is something we must always strive to achieve,” he said. “Whether it be attending concerts or finding performance opportunities in our many wonderful musical ensembles and performance venues here in Yakima, it is all worthwhile and will benefit our educational institution and community at large.”

The virtual performance is available on YVC’s YouTube channel.