CTE Dual Credit

High school students have the opportunity to get a jump start on their career by preparing for a college technical degree program at their local high school. They can earn both high school and community/technical college credit (this is called Dual Credit) for completing select high school courses with a grade of “B” (3.0) or better.

Benefits of CTE

CTE Dual Credit Teaches Workplace Skills

CTE Dual Credit is an industry and education partnership committed to providing a highly-trained and motivated workforce, prepared to pursue lifelong learning in a changing technological society.

CTE Dual Credit is a national educational initiative. It includes a rigorous and focused course of study that provides students with essential academic and technical foundations that prepare students with necessary workplace skills.

Earn High School & College Credit

All CTE Dual Credit courses offer dual credit, meaning students earn high school and college credit for successfully completing the same class. You can earn both high school and college credit (this is called dual credit) for completing select high school courses with a grade “B” or better and pass the appropriate end of course industry exam.

How it Works

Instructor assists a student on an assignment.

Step 1

Talk to your high school counselor to choose a Career Pathways program and enroll in CTE Dual Credit classes at your high school.

Two students working on a lap top in a college common area.

Step 2

Register for CTE in SERS (Statewide Enrollment and Reporting System) by May 1.


Student sitting in campus common area writing in her notebook.

Step 3

Earn a “B” or better grade in your CTE Dual Credit classes and pass the appropriate end of course industry exam to receive dual credit.

YVC Approved Courses for CTE


Business Administration
BA 105 Entrepreneurship I
BA 115 Business Math
BA 138 Written Business Communications
BA 156 Marketing
BA 157 Retail Management
BA 158 Principles of Management
BA 180 Consumer Financial Planning


Information Technology
IT 110 Intro to Computer Programming
IT 111 Spreadsheets, Introduction
IT 115 Database, Introduction
IT 120 PowerPoint
IT 221 Spreadsheets, Advanced
IT 225 Database, Advanced

ENGR 104 Engineering Graphics
ENGR 110 Computer Aided Design (CAD)
ENGR 111 Mechanical CAD
ENGR 132 Problem Analysis
ENGR 160 Intro to Revit

Business Technology
BT 165 Word Processing

AG 101 Introduction to Agriculture
AG 125 Safety & Labor Management
AGSCI 101 Plant Science
AGSCI 130 Introduction to Animal Science


Allied Health
AH 104 Math for Health Professionals
AH 108 Communications & Cultural Concepts in Healthcare
AH 110 Human Body in Health & Disease I
AH 119 Medical Terminology
AH 120 Human Body in Health & Disease II
AH 140 Medical Law & Ethics
AH 155 First Aid/CPR/Blood-Borne Pathogen Training
PTECH 120 Technical Writing


Early Childhood Education
ECED & 100 Child Care Basics
ECED & 105 Intro to Early Childhood Education
ECED& 107 Health Safety & Nutrition
ECED& 120 Nurturing Relationships
EDUC 202 Intro to Education
EDUC& 111 Careers in Education
EDUC& 115 Child Development
EDUC& 130 Guiding Behavior
EDUC& 136 School Age Care


Automotive Service Technology
AST 111 Automotive Fundamentals Lecture
AST 112 Automotive Fundamentals Lab
AST 121 Automotive Electrical Lecture
AST 122 Automotive Electrical Lab
AST 133 Steering, Suspension, and Brakes Lecture
AST 134 Steering, Suspension, and Brakes Lab
AST 211 Engine Performance I Lecture
AST 212 Engine Performance I Lab
AST 224 Drivetrains Lab
AST 233 Emissions/HVAC Lecture
AST 234 Emissions/HVAC Lab

Veterinary Technology
AGSCI 130 - Introduction to Animal Science
VET 101 Introduction to Veterinary Technology

Participating Schools

  • Brewster High School
  • Cle Elum-Roslyn High School
  • Davis High School
  • East Valley High School
  • Eisenhower High School
  • Ellensburg High School
  • Goldendale High School
  • Grandview High School
  • Granger High School
  • Highland High School
  • Mabton High School
  • Naches High School
  • Selah High School
  • Sequim High School
  • Stanton Academy
  • Sunnyside High School
  • Toppenish High School
  • Toutle Lake High School
  • Tri-Tech Skills Center
  • Wapato High School
  • West Valley High School
  • White Swan High School
  • YV – Tech Skills Center


CTE Dual Credit Educators

CTE Dual Credit Educators

Under Carl Perkins Title II legislation, CTE Dual Credit courses should:

    • Lead to a professional-technical two-year degree, two-year certificate or apprenticeship.
    • Lead to employment or further education.
    • Provide technical preparation in at least one field of:
      • agriculture
      • applied science
      • business
      • engineering technology
      • health
      • information technology
      • mechanical, industrial or practical arts or trades

If you are interested in articulating a class with YVC, contact your high school CTE Director or call our office at 509-574-4609 or send us an email.

Your SERS Account

Assign grades and manage your SERS account.

Please call us at the YVC CTE Dual Credit office if you need help accessing or managing your SERS account. Please call our office at 509.574.4609 or send us an e-mail.

Tech Prep FAQ

No, you are actually receiving the college credit for what you are learning in your high school classroom.​

There is absolutely no cost to you. College tuition is waived in the CTE Dual Credit Program.

You can login to SERS to see which classes you have registered for.

No.  You do not need your Social Security number to register for CTE Dual Credit.

The colleges can grant you college credit because your high school instructors and CTE directors work with the college instructors. Therefore, you are actually receiving college level instruction in your high school classroom.

No. These credits will follow you for the rest of your life. If at any point in your life you wish to have these credits transferred to a college of your choosing, all you need to do is contact the college where you received credit and ask them to send a transcript.

There is no limit. The more college credit you earn while you are in high school, the more prepared you are to enter a technical program of your choice. Please keep in mind that excessive credit may negatively impact your eligibility for federal student aid. CTE Dual Credit participation is an optional student choice!  Talk with your high school counselor or the register at the college you plan on attending.

Yes you must register for your college credit through SERS during the year you take the class.  Registration closes on May 1.

You must earn a “B” (3.0) or better in order to receive the college credit. If the CTE class requires two or more semesters of work in order to earn the college credit, you must have a “B” or better in all semesters.​

There is no guarantee these credits will transfer to any other community college, technical college, four-year college or university. We recommend that you contact each prospective college you wish to go and ask how your credits will transfer. Some colleges will take credit how it is (such as accounting credit will transfer as an accounting credit, business credit will transfer as a business credit), other colleges might accept it as an elective credit, while some colleges may not accept credit at all.​

No. You can only register for classes for the year you are taking them.​


You will need to contact Yakima Valley College or the college where you earned credit. Transcripts are handled in the  Registration department of the college.

An official transcript comes in a sealed envelope and is the type you would give to the college you might attend. Once the seal is broken, it becomes an unofficial transcript. Official transcripts can also be sent electronically through specific services such as Parchment.

Questions? Contact Us.
