Library Collections
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Library Services
Yakima Campus
Grandview Campus
Library Collections
The Library collection housed in Raymond Library in Raymond Hall consists of books, periodicals, and internet resources. The primary purpose of the collection is to provide materials which support the college curriculum.
Reserve materials are items place “on reserve” by individual faculty members for use by their students. These are normally high-demand items and may be borrowed for only a short period of time, usually for two hours of in-library use. The reserve collection includes some current textbooks if instructors have placed copies on reserve.
The Media Services collection, housed in the Media Center on the second floor of Raymond Hall, consists of DVDs, slides, and various types of equipment, including, but not limited to, laptop computers, LCD projectors, digital cameras, portable microphones systems, portable easels, tape recorders, and slide projectors. Most items in the Media Center only circulate to YVC employees; however, students may view and/or listen to resources. Ask in the Media Center for more information.
The book collection is developed to support curriculum that is specific to Yakima Valley College. If you’re looking for a book, search OneSearch.
Search options include subject, title, author, and keyword. Students enrolled in a distance learning course or courses on the Grandview campus may request books online.
The Library subscribes to approximately 40 journals, magazines, and newspapers in print and several thousand periodicals and newspapers through our subscriptions to various databases. You can search for specific titles using the Periodicals Search in Find It!
Items placed on “reserve” are normally high-demand items by individual faculty members and may be borrowed for only a short period of time. The Reserve Collection changes from quarter-to-quarter, reflecting the changes in course offerings and assignments from quarter-to-quarter.
The current list of course reserves is in Find It!
The Media Services collection includes a variety of media and equipment acquired for use in the classroom to supplement instruction. These resources may be borrowed only by YVC employees, however, students may view and/or listen to resources in the Library. Students may also borrow laptop computers. Ask in Media Services, located on the second floor of Raymond Hall, for additional information.
Additional information about Library and Media Services acquisitions and collections
is available in the Collection Development Policy, approved by Administrative Council on July 28, 2009.
Questions? Contact Us.
Library Services
Yakima Campus
Grandview Campus