Questions? Contact Us.

Denny Michels, M.A.T.
Career & Wellness Coach
509 494-7961

Rich Schillinger, M.Ed., LMHC
Faculty Counselor
Employer Relations
509 574-4964

Career Planning Guide

  • Interests – What jobs, classes, subjects interest me most?
  • Abilities – What am I good at, what comes easy to me, what can I learn to do?
  • Needs – What are my income, family, lifestyle needs?
  • Values – What’s most important to me?
  • Key Point: Focus on intrinsic motivators more than extrinsic motivators.


  • Job Duties – what type of work, what setting, working with who or what, what schedule?
  • Job Outlook – Is the job market growing or shrinking, will I be able to find employment?
  • Job Pay/Benefits – Do the salary, health benefits, retirement, etc. meet my needs?
  • Job Requirements – What degree or certificate does the job require?
  • Key Point: Know if your desired job has a specific degree or certificate, or if it is general.


  • YVC Degrees & Certificates – Rank your top choices: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
  • Degree Requirements – look at the specific classes needed for each degree and scale 1 – 10
  • Separate Admission – Yes or No? What are the admission rates, GPA requirements, etc?
  • Time & Cost – How long will it take and how much will it cost? 15 credits/quarter = $1,500
  • Key Point: Know your degree or certificate requirements.


  • Information Interviews
  • Volunteer
  • Work Experience
  • Books, Classes, Workshops/Trainings, Certifications
  • Job Shadow
  • Internship
  • Professional Organizations

  • Meet with your advisor regularly
  • Utilize the Counseling & Advising Center, Deccio Building, (509) 574–4956
  •  If you have any questions, ask for assistance!