Matthew Loeser

Biology Instructor

Department:Arts & Sciences
Matthew Loeser works with students during a class on the YVC campus.


Degree Institution Year
 Biology B.A.  University of Montana Missoula, MT 1997
Biology M.S.  Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ  2001
Biology Ph.D. Northern Arizona University Flagstaff, AZ 2005

About Dr. Loeser

I began teaching biology at Yakima Valley College (YVC) in 2005. My work in the classroom is focused on providing a learning experience that sets a solid foundation of knowledge for students to succeed in their next course or program.

YVC students gain access to amazing faculty and hands-on training. Since 2016 I have led several grant-funded initiatives related to increasing STEM success. Currently we have one of the most active student clubs on campus and we offer a variety of extracurricular opportunities including summer research, field-trips to universities and career-preparation workshops.