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Office of Institutional Effectiveness
OIE Office

Quick Facts


2023-2024 Student Gender

student building project during class.



Students planting during agriculture class.



Biology teacher works with students during lab.




General Student Population Statistics 

Girl smiles for camera while sitting amongst class mates.

2023-2024 Head Count



Two students sitting at computers talking before class starts.

2023-2024 Average Age



Student recieves one on one attention on assignment

2023-2024 Student to Faculty


Instructor Approval Rating

Student smiles while working on lap top.

Overall Approval: 4.7/5

98% of students reported that the instructor treated them with respect
97% of students reported that the instructor displayed an interest in their learning

2023-2024 Program Intent

Workforce Education Transfer Basic Skills 
(College & Career Readiness)
Personal Enrichment
17% 50% 22% 11%

Attendance Type

Student uses equipment during lab time.

Full Time


Student writes out problem on the white board.

Part Time


Interesting Facts

First Generation Running Start Low-Income Recieve Grants, Scholarships and Other AId Students Meeting Academic Program Learning Outcomes
75% 14% 64% 74% 87%

Race/Ethnicity Alone or in Combination

Asian African American or Black Hispanic White Indigenous Peoples Pacific Islander
3% 5% 65% 48% 5% <1%

Disclaimer: Percentages do not equal 100% as some students can be in more than one race/ethnicity category.

Questions? Contact Us.

Office of Institutional Effectiveness
OIE Office