
YVC Math Placement Self-Guided Assessment

On this self-assessment tool, you will be given problems with solutions of a similar typeto those you probably would have seen in the last class you indicate. You will tell us how well you understand the question type and how much assistance you would need to answer it.

We trust that you will give us an honest self-assessment so you will be placed at the most appropriate level for you in order to make your math experience with us the best possible one.

Along with your grades, how much assistance you think you need on these problems will help determine your math placement. Because of the nature of this assessment, retakes are not permitted.

BEFORE starting assessment, gather the following:

  1. Your last (high school) math class taken You will need to classify the class as either:
    • Prealgebra or Consumer Math
    • Algebra 1 or Geometry
    • Integrated Math 1 & 2
    • Algebra II and/or Bridge to College math
    • Integrated Math 3 & 4
    • Precalculus (with/or Trigonometry)
    • Calculus
  2. The grade you got in that last math class
  3. Your overall (cumulative) high school GPA — Your best estimate is fine; just try to be as accurate as possible.

Additional Assesment Information

  1. Make sure you have reliable internet before starting. Open a web browser and go to the Self Guided Placement Page.
  2. Enter your YVC student ID number (or temporary number if applying for Running Start).
  3. Enter your first and last names — same as used for YVC
  4. Enter the last math class you remember passing with a C grade or better.
  5. Enter your Status. (Choose Running Start ONLY if you are applying to the Running Start program.)
  6. Click “Access Diagnostic.”
  7. Click “Start.”
  8. Read the instructions on how to progress through the questions. Click the right arrow when ready to go on.
  9. Answer each question honestly and as accurately as possible.
  10. Click “Submit and End” after answering all questions.
  11. This page will show your math placement. This is what will be entered into the YVC system.

  1. Write down or print your math placement level before exiting the web
  2. Email placement@yvcc.edu to let us know you have completed the math assessment – include your name and YVC ID number.