Next Steps After Pathway​​​ Selection

Now that you have finished selecting your pathway, you can begin working on the remaining steps towards becoming a YVC student.

YVC has many paths for you to find your starting points in English & math. Most courses have placement prerequisites for writing and math ability and all new students must have placements in order to register for classes. You should complete the placement process within two weeks of admission.

Read the Checklist that accompanied your Letter of Admission or view a more detailed Next Steps for New Students for a complete list of everything you need to do.

Next Steps

Most new students will need to complete the placement testing. Students must begin class at the most appropriate level of instruction in order to be successful. Placement testing assists your advisor in placing you in the correct class.

Students that have already completed a college level writing or mathematics class do not need to take a placement test if they have submitted official transcripts to YVC. Transcript evaluation can take up to four weeks, so get those transcripts sent in early.

To be considered for federal or state financial aid complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Visit:

List YVC as one of your choices (Code: 003805). For the best chance to receive aid, submit by March 1. Residents of WA but not US citizens may qualify for aid. Learn more about WASFA. Visit:

Students that wish to live on campus should apply for campus housing. Information on campus housing can be found at Student Housing.

Students that have completed both the pathway selection and the placement testing may sign up for New Student Orientation (NSO). At NSO you will find out more about the Student Conduct Code, Degrees and Programs, College Catalog, Academic Resources, Financial Aid, Tuition, Textbooks and Parking. Students also receive advising and register for classes. NSO is required for all new students with fewer than 30 credits of college level classes.

Make sure your contact information on file with the college is current. Watch for important dates and deadlines.

Access the student portal to view all your important information.

Interested in campus housing?

Questions? Contact Us.

Office of Admissions

Yakima Campus
Deccio, Building 8

Grandview Campus
Main, Building 56