Common Course Numbering

Washington’s community and technical colleges want to make it easier for students to transfer credits among the state’s community and technical colleges.

The list below reflects the courses at YVC that have been identified for Common Course Numbering (CCN). Departments may add courses to this list as a result of ongoing assessment of curriculum equivalencies.

The list will be updated as courses are added or changed. Common courses are identified by an ampersand (&) following the department abbreviation. Transfer courses that are not identified as common will still transfer under the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) as in the past.

Please direct any questions to the Registrar in the Enrollment Services office located in Deccio or call 509-574-4702.

CCNs added since the last update noted in parenthesis.

NEW CCN ID NEW CCN Title OLD Course ID OLD Course Title
ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I BA 151 Principles of Accounting I/Finance I
ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II BA 152 Principles of Accounting II/Finance II
ACCT& 203 Principles of Accounting III BA 153 Principles of Accounting III/Finance III
ANTH& 100 Survey of Anthropology ANTH 101 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH& 204 Archaeology ANTH 103 Introduction to Archaeology
ANTH& 205 Biological Anthropology ANTH 104 Physical Anthropology
ANTH& 206 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH& 217 Plateau Native Peoples ANTH 220 Indians of the Mid-Columbia
ART& 100 Art Appreciation ART 100 Art Appreciation
ASTR& 100 Survey of Astronomy ASTR 101 Descript Astronomy
ASTR& 110 The Solar System   The Solar System
BIOL& 100 Biology for Non-majors with Lab BIOL 105 Biology for Non-majors with Lab
BIOL& 160 General Biology w/ Lab BIOL 109 General Biology
BIOL& 221 Majors Ecology/Evolution: Biology 2 BIOL 211 Biology II: Diversity of Life
BIOL& 222 Majors Cell/Molecular: Biology I BIOL 201 Biology I: Cells & Molecules
BIOL& 223 Majors Organismal Physiology: Biology 3 BIOL 221 Biology III: Organismal Physiology
BIOL& 241 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL& 242 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 231 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL& 260 Microbiology BIOL 232 Microbiology
BUS& 101 Introduction to Business BA 101 Introduction to Business
BUS& 201 Business Law BA 254 Business Law
CHEM& 100 Preparatory Chemistry CHEM 100 Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM& 110 Chemical Concepts w/ Lab    
CHEM& 121 Principles of Chemistry CHEM 109 Principles of Chemistry w/Lab
CHEM& 131 Introductory Organic/Biochemistry CHEM 209 Introductory Organic/Biochemistry with Lab
with Lab
CHEM& 139 General Chemistry Prep    
CHEM& 161 General Chemistry w/ Lab I CHEM& 141 General Chemistry I
CHEM& 151 General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM& 162 General Chemistry w/ Lab II CHEM& 142 General Chemistry II
CHEM& 152 General Chemistry II Lab
CHEM& 163 General Chemistry w/ Lab III CHEM& 143 General Chemistry III
CHEM& 153 General Chemistry III Lab
CHEM& 241 Organic Chemistry I Lecture CHEM 255 Organic Chemistry I Lecture
CHEM& 242 Organic Chemistry II Lecture CHEM 256 Organic Chemistry II Lecture
CHEM& 243 Organic Chemistry III CHEM 257 Organic Chemistry III Lecture/Lab
CHEM& 251 Organic Chemistry I Lab CHEM 255 Organic Chemistry I Lecture
CHEM& 252 Organic Chemistry II Lab CHEM 256 Organic Chemistry II Lab
CJ& 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ& 106 Juvenile Justice CJ 106 Juvenile Justice
CJ& 105 Introduction to Corrections CJ 105 Introduction to Corrections
CJ& 110 Criminal Law CJ 102 Criminal Law
CJ& 112 Criminology CJ 112 Criminology
CJ& 240 Introduction to Forensic Science CJ 255 Introduction to Forensic Science
CMST& 101 Introduction to Communication SPCH 105 Fundamental Speech Communication
CMST& 102 Introduction to Mass Media CMU 150 Mass Communication
CMST& 210 Interpersonal Communication SPCH 180 Interpersonal Communication
CMST& 220 Introduction to Public Speaking SPCH 100 Introduction to Public Speaking
CMST& 230 Small Group Communication SPCH 170 Small Group Communication
CS& 141 Computer Science I Java IT 230 Java
DRMA& 101 Introduction to Theatre DRAMA 101 Introduction to Drama
ECED& 100 Child Care Basics ECED 108 Development Competence Child Care
ECED& 105 Introduction to Early Childhood ECED 100 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ECED& 107 Health, Nutrition, & Safety ECED 120 Health, Safety, & Nutrition
ECED& 120 Practicum Nurturing Relationships    
ECED& 132 Infants & Toddlers ECED 153 Infant & Toddler Caregiving
ECED& 134 Family Child Care    
ECED& 139 Administration of Early Learning ECED 183 Administration of Early Learning Programs
ECED& 160 Curriculum Development ECED 145 Dev. App. Practice ECE Program
ECED 150 Preschool Curriculum
ECED& 170 Environments for Young Children    
ECED& 180 Language & Literacy Development ECED 115 Literacy Skills for Preschool Teachers
ECED& 190 Observation & Assessment ECED 204 Teaching Methods & Observation ECE
ECON& 201 Micro Economics ECON 201 Principles of Economics I Micro
ECON& 202 Macro Economics ECON 202 Principles of Economics II Macro
EDUC& 115 Child Development ECED 101 Preschool Child Development
ECED 104 Infant & Toddler Development
EDUC& 130 Guiding Behavior ECED 202 Methods in Guidance & Discipline
EDUC& 136 School Age Care EDUC 100 Introduction to School Age Care
EDUC 105 Curriculum for School Agers
EDUC& 150 Child, Family, & Community ECED 200 Family & Community Relationships &
ENGL& 101 English Composition I ENGL 101 English Composition I
ENGL& 235 Technical Writing    
ENGR& 114 Engineering Computer-Aided Design & Visualization    
ENGR& 214 Statics ENGR 201 Statics
ENGR& 215 Dynamics ENGR 202 Dynamics
ENGR& 225 Mechanics of Materials ENGR 203 Applied Strength of Materials
GEOG& 200 Human Geography GEOG 108 Human Geography
GEOL& 101 Introduction to Physical Geology GEOL 120 Physical Geology Lecture
    GEOL 121 Physical Geology Lab
GEOL& 103 Historical Geology GEOL 130 Historical Geology Lecture
GEOL 131 Historical Geology Lab
GEOL& 115 Geology of National Parks GEOL 145 Geology of National Parks
GEOL& 208 Geology of the Pacific Northwest GEOL 110 Geology of Washington
HIST& 116 Western Civilization I HIST 101 Ancient/Medieval Civilization
HIST& 117 Western Civilization II HIST 102 Renaissance to Napoleon
HIST& 118 Western Civilization III HIST 103 Napoleon to Present
HIST& 136 US History I HIST 104 US Through Civil War
HIST& 137 US History II HIST 105 US Since Civil War
HIST& 214 Pacific Northwest History HIST 215 Washington/Pacific NW
HIST& 215 (NEW) Women in US History    
MATH& 107 Math in Society MATH 102 Nature of Math
MATH& 131 Mathematics for Elementary MATH 211 Structure of Elementary School Math I
Education I
MATH& 132 Mathematics for Elementary MATH 212 Structure of Elementary School Math II
Education II
MATH& 141 Precalculus I MATH 104 College Algebra
MATH& 142 Precalculus II MATH 105 Trigonometry
MATH& 146 Introduction to Statistics    
MATH& 148 Business Calculus MATH 112 Calculus Application to Business/Economics
MATH& 151 Calculus I MATH 124 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I
MATH& 152 Calculus II MATH 125 Analytical Geometry/Calculus II
MATH& 163 Calculus III MATH& 153 Calculus III
MATH& 264 Calculus IV MATH& 254 Calculus IV
MUSC& 105 Music Appreciation MUS 118 Music Appreciation
MUSC& 121 Ear Training 1 MUS 101 Ear Training-I
MUSC& 122 Ear Training 2 MUS 103 Ear Training-II
MUSC& 123 Ear Training 3 MUS 105 Ear Training-III
MUSC& 131 Music Theory 1 MUS 102 Music Theory-I
MUSC& 132 Music Theory 2 MUS 104 Music Theory-II
MUSC& 133 Music Theory 3 MUS 106 Music Theory-III
MUSC& 221 Ear Training 4 MUS 207 Ear Training-IV
MUSC& 222 Ear Training 5 MUS 209 Ear Training-V
MUSC& 223 Ear Training 6 MUS 211 Ear Training-VI
MUSC& 231 Music Theory 4 MUS 208 Music Theory-IV
MUSC& 232 Music Theory 5 MUS 210 Music Theory-V
MUSC& 233 Music Theory 6 MUS 212 Music Theory-VI
NUTR& 101 Nutrition NUTR 101 Human Nutrition
OCEA& 101 Introduction to Oceanography w/ Lab    
PHIL& 101 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL& 120 Symbolic Logic: Introduction to Logic PHIL& 106 Introduction to Logic
PHYS& 114 General Physics I with Lab PHYS 115 General Physics I Lecture
PHYS 125 General Physics I Lab
PHYS& 115 General Physics II with Lab PHYS 116 General Physics II Lecture
PHYS 126 General Physics II Lab
PHYS& 116 General Physics III with Lab PHYS 117 General Physics III Lecture
PHYS 127 General Physics III Lab
PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics I with Lab PHYS 211 Engineering Physics I Lecture
PHYS 221 Engineering Physics I Lab
PHYS& 222 Engineering Physics II with Lab PHYS 212 Engineering Physics II Lecture
PHYS 222 Engineering Physics II Lab
PHYS& 223 Engineering Physics III with Lab PHYS 213 Engineering Physics III Lecture
PHYS 223 Engineering Physics III Lab
POLS& 101 Introduction to Political Science PLSCI 101 Introduction to Political Science
POLS& 201 Introduction to Political Theory POLS 201 Introduction to Political Theory
POLS& 202 American Government PLSCI 202 Introduction to US Government
POLS& 203 International Relations PLSCI 203 Introduction to International Relations
PSYC& 100 General Psychology PSYCH 101 General Psychology
PSYC& 200 Lifespan Psychology PSYCH 200 Lifespan Psychology
PSYC& 220 Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 220 Abnormal Psychology
SOC& 101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
SOC& 201 Social Problems SOC 102 Contemporary Social Problems

Updated: December 26, 2024

A. Martinez

Questions? Contact Us.

Office of Admissions

Yakima Campus
Deccio, Building 8

Grandview Campus
Main, Building 56