CTE-Dual Credit
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CTE Dual Credit
Get College Credit while you are attending high school classes.
CTE Dual Credit provides career pathways for high school students. CTE Dual Credit classes are taught at the high school or skills center and integrate academics with technical development to help prepare students for advanced education and careers related to professional/technical occupations.
You can earn free college credits! College tuition is waived in the CTE Dual Credit Program.
CTE Dual Credit Teaches Workplace Skills
CTE Dual Credit is an industry and education partnership committed to providing a highly-trained and motivated workforce, prepared to pursue lifelong learning in a changing technological society.
CTE Dual Credit is a national educational initiative. It includes a rigorous and focused course of study that provides students with essential academic and technical foundations that prepare students with necessary workplace skills.
Earn High School & College Credit
All CTE Dual Credit courses offer dual credit, meaning students earn high school and college credit for successfully completing the same class. You can earn both high school and college credit (this is called dual credit) for completing select high school courses with a grade “B” or better and pass the appropriate end of course industry exam.
How to Register- Agriculture
- Allied Health
- Automotive Service Technology
- Business Administration
- Business Technology
- Early Childhood Education
- Engineering Technology
- Information Technology
- Veterinary Technology
Participating Schools
Additional Information
CTE Dual Credit Educators
Under Carl Perkins Title II legislation, CTE Dual Credit courses should:
- Lead to a professional-technical two-year degree, two-year certificate or apprenticeship.
- Lead to employment or further education.
- Provide technical preparation in at least one field of:
- agriculture
- applied science
- business
- engineering technology
- health
- information technology
- mechanical, industrial or practical arts or trades
If you are interested in articulating a class with YVC, contact your high school CTE Director or call our office at 509-574-4609 or send us an email.
Your SERS Account
Assign grades and manage your SERS account.
Please call us at the YVC CTE Dual Credit office if you need help accessing or managing your SERS account. Please call our office at 509.574.4609 or send us an e-mail.